100 psi) as indicated on the pressure
begins to bleed out of the bleeder
gage. Raise the pump lever to raise
valve; then close the bleeder valve and
the pump plunger and remove the
connect the small tube and rubber
pump lever handle.
tubing to the tank adapter.
(8) Fill the small tube with test fluid and
Release the pressure release control
bleed the trapped air from the test
l e v e r by rotating it about three-
set. Notify the operator that the test
set is ready to use in performing the
Observe the bubbles in the tube assem-
bly. Increase the pressure again to
graph 14.
about 100 psi indication on the pres-
f. M8 Hose and M7 Flame Gun. The M8
sure gage, and then elevate the fuel
hose and M7 flame gun are hydrostically tested
tank (in an upright position) above
when connected to the fuel tank of the ABC-
the test set and crack open the bleeder
M9-7 or M2A1-7 flamethrower. The procedure
valve in the filling plug of the fuel
for connecting the M8 hose and M7 flame gun
tank. When all air has escaped, close
to the ABC-M9-7 or M2A1-7 flamethrower fuel
the bleeder valve. Crack open the
tank is identical to the procedure outlined in a
spindle in the 6-foot rubber hose as-
and b above except for e(4) above. Connect the
sembly. When all air has escaped,
M8 hose and M7 flame gun to the fuel outlet
close the spindle and lower the fuel
nipple in place of the outlet plug indicated in
tank. Be sure that approximately
e(4) above.
100-pounds of pressure is maintained
14. Test Procedures
Observe the bubbles in the tube as-
Warning: Isolate the test apparatus and test
sembly and when no bubbles are pres-
specimens during the performance of any pres-
ent, the test set is clear of air. Repeat
sure tests
Warning: Use a portable safety shield
produces test fluid with no air bubbles.
mounted on casters when making a visual ob-
Place the M2A1 fuel tank behind a
servation for leakage. The shield must be of
portable barricade or in a steel or
sufficient strength to withstand any impact re-
wood box to stop the stream of test
sulting from a rupture of a test specimen
fluid in case of rupture.
and/or apparatus.
Refill the tube with test fluid to near
Warning: The test specimens and other
the top of the graduated scale while
pieces of equipment capable of being ejected in
the pump lever is UP and the pump
the event of a rupture must be firmly anchored.
lever handle is removed. The pres-
sure release control lever must be open
a. M2A1 Fuel Tank. This fuel tank (fig. 6)
a p p r o x i m a t e l y three-quarters of a
is from the M2Al tank group. The M2A1 tank
turn. Record the exact level of the test
group is a major group of the M2A17 portable
fluid reading on the scale. Close the
flame thrower (TM 3-1040-204-14). This is a
pressure release control lever. Pump
volumetric test.
up the pressure as indicated on the
(1) Inspect to see that the test set and the
dial-indicating pressure gage to 625
fuel tank have been completely as-
psi. If the pressure drops signif-
sembled, filled, and connected.
icantly during this test, it indicates a
(2) All air must be eliminated from the
leak. Check for leaks before contin-
test set and the M2A1 fuel tank under-
uing this test. No leaks must occur
going test before conducting the test.
during this test, especially while full
Close the pressure release control
pressure is being applied. If there are
lever on the hand pump completely bu
leaks, note place where leak is oc-
rotating it in a clockwise direction.
curring, release the pressure, and then
(3) Insert the pump lever handle in the
notify direct support maintenance per-
place provided for it in the pump lever
and pump up a little pressure (about
AGO 8359A