cap bleeder valve, close the bleeder
(8) Repeat (7) above until NO bubbles
are present in the tube assembly. Re-
fill the tube with test fluid with the
(6) Install the testing gage adapter (ap-
pump lever in the UP position and the
prox 2-in. diam) in the exposed filler
pump lever handle removed. The pres-
cap opening.
sure release control lever must be in
(7) If a straight pipe-to-tube adapter with
the OPEN position (approx turn).
-13 UNC-2A by -18 national pipe
Record the exact level of the test fluid
threads is not installed in the hole in
on the scale.
the center of the testing gage adapter,
(9) Close the pressure release control
lever and increase the pressure to the
required psi for the test to be accom-
(8) Connect the 6-foot rubber hose assem-
bly to the straight pipe-to-tube adap-
the test fluid on the scale. The dif-
ter in the center of the testing gage
f e r e n c e between the two readings
obtained is the temporary hose ex-
(9) Fill the pump tank with test fluid and
pansion to be used in the test pro-
install the tank adapter.
(10) Connect the large tube and rubber
c. Place the Item To Be Tested Behind a
tubing to the tank adapter.
(11) Fill the large tube with test fluid and
d. Inspect To Make Sure That the Parts of
open the gage bleeder valve two turns
t h e Item To Be Tested Are Secured by a
until fluid bleeds out. Close the bleeder
Wrench or Made Handtight (Whichever Is Ap-
valve. Bleed the trapped air from
plicable) Before Applying Pressure.
the test set by operating the pump
several times. Notify the operator
e. Inspect To See That the Test Set and the
that the test set is ready to use in
Item To Be Tested Are Filled With Test Fluid.
performing the test procedure pre-
13. Connecting Items To Be Tested to Test
b. Fuel Tank From the M2A1 Tank Group
(With Pressure Regulator Assembly Removed).
Warning: Release all pressure on items to
be tested before attempting to make any con-
(1) Remove one filling plug assembly from
the fuel tank of the M2A1 tank group.
(2) Loosen the stem handle in the other
a. Fuel Tank From the M9 Tank Group
filling plug assembly.
(With Pressure Regulator Assembly Removed).
(3) Install the applicable solid diffusion
(1) Remove one filler cap assembly from
plug (from the test set) in the open-
the fuel tank.
ing in the diffusion pipe coupling nut.
(2) Loosen the bleeder valve in the other
The plug is stamped M2A17.
filler cap assembly.
(4) Install the outlet plug in the fuel out-
let nipple or quick-disconnect coupling.
(3) Install the applicable solid diffusion
pipe plug (from the test set) in the
(5) Fill the fuel tank with test fluid and
opening in the connector diffuser tube
when the test fluid comes from the
assembly. The plug is stamped M97.
loosened stem handle, close the stem
(4) Install the outlet plug in the fuel out-
let nipple or quick-disconnect coupling.
(6) Install the testing gage adapter (ap-
prox 1 3/8-in. diameter) in the exposed
(5) Fill the fuel tank with test fluid and
filling plug opening.
when the test fluid comes out the filler
AGO 8359A