(d) Miscellaneous fittings. The pressure
8. General
release control lever plus ferrous
Upon receipt of equipment, inspect for com-
and aluminum miscellaneous fittings
pleteness (SC 5180-94-CL-E05) and satisfac-
have threaded and unpainted sur-
tory conditions. Place the equipment in a
faces. These items are coated with
serviceable condition by replacing all broken,
a preservative. The components
or unuseable parts.
are placed together in a paper board
a. Packaging and Packing.
folding box and cushioned to pre-
vent either movement or contact
(1) Packaging.
with each other. The box is closed
(a) H y d r a u l i c pump assembly. T h e
and sealed in a waterproof bag.
gage, bleeder valve, pipe nipple, and
fittings down to hydraulic pump
(2) Packing. The M5 test set is received
housing, and the hydraulic pump
in either an oversea class or type
lever handle and pressure relief con-
nailed wood or cleated plywood box
trol lever are removed. The hy-
having internal blocking and bracing
d r a u l i c pump is lubricated in
as required to prevent movement with-
accordance with the manufacturer's
in the box. Metal straps are used to
instruction. The hydraulic storage
bind the box and provide support.
tank and the fill and drain plugs
identify the M5 test set.
hydraulic pump is fully retracted
b. Unpacking. Break the metal straps around
and secured in this position with
the box. Remove the box cover, remove the
pressure-sensitive tape. Any open-
M5 test set, and save the box for reuse.
ings into the hydraulic pump as-
9. Assembling Test Set
sembly are covered with the same
kind of tape as cited above. The
a. Bolt the tank of the hand pump fast to the
gage and bleeder valve are pack-
workbench at its base using the four holes pro-
aged together in a box and placed
vided. (The attaching hardware is not a part
into a heat sealed bag. The hy-
of this equipment.)
draulic pump lever handle does not
b. Make two gaskets of the necessary size
require preservation or packaging.
from gasket material (FSN 5330-222-2564).
(b) Valve and hose assembly. The valve
Install one gasket between the pump chamber
a n d hose assembly fittings are
and the cover plate of the tank and install the
other gasket between the tank cover plate
wrapped with grease proof barrier
and the tank body. Draw the bolts up tight at
material, and secured with tape.
both locations.
(c) Test stand assembly. The test stand
c. Remove the fitting plug from the tank.
assembly is placed in a fiberboard
box and sealed with gummed tape.
tank adapter with pipe thread-sealing com-
AGO 8359A