to indicate the pressure applied by
sure release control lever is open,
the hand pump to the equipment
the pressure is allowed to reenter
undergoing test.
the pump and the pump tank.
(2) Large and small tube assemblies.
b. Instruments.
(a) Location. The large and small tube
(1) Did-indicating pressure gage.
assemblies are located in the rack
(a) Locution. The dial-indicating pres-
sure gage is located directly above
(b) Purpose. The large and small tube
the bleeder valve as shown in fig-
assemblies are used to indicate the
ure 1.
change in volume of the item being
(b) Purpose. The pressure gage is used
(3) Connect the rubber tubing from the
11. Identifying Items To Be Tested
tube assembly to be used in the test to
The equipment to be tested is the pressure
the tank adapter (4).
tank and the fuel tank that together make up
the M2A1 tank group, and the high pressure
Note. A temporary hose expansion must
be obtained for each set of conditions to be
sphere assembly and the fuel tank that to-
experienced during volumetric testing. For
gether make up the M9 tank group. Also the
example, in testing the M2A17 flame throw-
agent tank, the pressure tank of the M3 port-
er, the hose expansion must be determined
able riot control agent disperser, the M7 gun
using the LARGE tube assembly at 625 psi,
group, and the M8 hose are to be tested using
and the SMALL tube assembly at 3,350 psi.
(4) Fill the tube with test fluid and bleed
trate each of these items attached to the test
a i r from the hose by opening the
spindle until test fluid begins to bleed
out of the hose. Open the gage bleeder
12. Preparation For Use
valve on the pump assembly two turns
a. Prepare Test Fluid. The test fluid consists
until test fluid begins to bleed out of
of a mixture of cutting oil and water. The
the bleeder valve.
test fluid is mixed in a ratio of 16 parts of water
(5) Close the pressure relief control lever
to one part cutting oil. Approximately 5 gal-
on the hand pump completely by ro-
lons of the test fluid are required.
tating it in a clockwise direction.
b. Determine Temporary Expansion of 6-
(6) Insert the pump lever handle ((14),
Foot Rubber Hose Assembly (Volumetric Test
fig. 1) and pump until 100 psi pressure
Only). Before conducting a volumetric test the
is shown on the pressure gage. Raise
temporary expansion of the hose must be es-
the pump lever to raise the pump
tablished for each hose used relative to each of
plunger and remove the pump lever
the test stand tube assemblies used The tem-
porary expansion is determined in the following
(7) Release the pressure release control
l e v e r by rotating it about three-
(1) Connect the hose assembly to be used
wise direction. Observe the bubbles
in the tube assembly. Increase the
install a plug ((13), fig. 3) in the hose
pressure again to about 100 psi. Ele-
assembly at the valve assembly con-
vate the hose assembly and bleed any
nection end.
(2) Fill the tank with the test fluid and
When all air has escaped, close the
install the tank adapter.
spindle. Release the pressure.
AGO 8359A