(8) Record the position of the test fluid
Total permanent expansion = 10.
(reading) on the scale while 625 psi
Permanent expanaion
p r e s s u r e is applied. Hold this p-
sure for approximately 60 seconds or
Tank is acceptable.
longer to allow time for complete ex-
(12) When the test procedure is performed
pansion of the M2A1 fuel tank When
t o this point, have direct support
the test fluid level in the tube stops
maintenance personnel disconnect the
dropping, the expansion of the M2A1
M2A1 fuel tank and connect another
fuel tank is completed.
M2A1 fuel tank
(13) When performing a hydrostatic test,
(9) Remove the pump lever handle with
the test pressure is applied and held
the pump lever in UP position before
for 60 seconds or more. If no pressure
releasing the pressure release control
drop occurs, the unit is acceptable.
lever; then release the pressure re-
b. M9 Fuel Tank. This M9 fuel tank (fig.
lease control lever by opening it ap-
7) is from the M9 tank group. The M9 tank
group is a major group of the ABC-M9-7 port-
to observe the test fluid rise in the
able flame thrower (TM 3-1040-211-80). This
tube. When the pressure gage indi-
is a volumetric test.
c a t e s zero and the test fluid has
(1) Inspect to see that the test set and the
stopped rising, record the level of the
M9 fuel tank have been completey
test fluid remaining in the tube.
assembled, filled, and connected by di-
(10) Subtract the reading observed here
rect support maintenance personnel.
from the reading observed at the start
(2) Perform the test procedure as pre-
of the test. This is the permanent
scribed in a above to complete the test
expansion of the fuel tank. Divide
of this M9 fuel tank except the test
the temporary expansion (less the
pressure to be used in 450 psi.
hose expansion) into the permanent
c. M2A1 Pressure Tank. The M2A1 pres-
expansion and this is the ratio between
sure tank (fig. 8) is from the M2A1 tank group.
the two. If the ratio is less than 10
The M2A1 tank group is a major group of the
percent, the fuel tank is acceptable.
M2A17 portable flame thrower (TM 3-1040-
If the ratio is more than 10 percent,
204-14). This is a volumetric test.
recheck the test set for presence of air
(1) Have direct support maintenance per-
or for leaks before rejecting the M2A1
sonnel assemble, fill, and connect the
fuel tank.
M2A1 pressure tank to the test set
(11) An example of calculating the perma-
Note. Inspect to see that the rubber tub-
nent expansion is as follows:
ing is connected from the small tube to the
Level of test fluid in tube at start
tank adapter when testing the M2A1 pres-
of test = 290 on the scale.
sure tank.
Level of test fluid column in tube
(2) Perform the test procedure as pre-
at a pressure of 625 psi = 70
scribed in a above with the exception
on the scale.
that the test pressure must be 3,360
psi to complete the test of this pres-
sure tank.
= Total temporary expan-
d. High Pressure Sphere Assembly. T h e
high pressure sphere assembly is from the M9
= Total temporary hose ex-
tank group. The M9 tank group is a major
group of the ABC-M9-7 portable flame thrower
= Total temporary tank ex-
(TM 3-1040-211-12) .
Note. For volumetric testing of the high pressure
Test fluid columm was at 290 at
sphere assembly, the equipment is connected as shown
Start of test.
in figure 9. For hydrostatic testing of the high pres-
Test fluid column returns to 280
sure sphere assembly, the equipment is connected as
at end of test.