C1, TM 11-6625-646-15
6-5. Parts Replacement
6-1. Troubleshooting Procedures
6-2. General
6-6. Test set components are accessible when the
panel-chassis is removed from its case. Except for
precautions and procedures:
items in paragraphs 6-7 through 6-11, all components
can be replaced without special instructions.
power OFF.
6-7. Replacement of Air Pump Assembly
b. Unless otherwise specified, measure voltages to
ground (chassis) with a 20,000-ohm-per-volt multimeter.
Replace the air pump assembly as follows:
c. When unsoldering and removing parts such as
a. Remove the panel-chassis from its case.
meters or rotary switches, note carefully the position of
b. Disconnect the plumbing and the electrical wires
the connecting wires. Tag each wire before unsoldering.
from the pump.
d. When replacing components, installed on the
c. Remove the defective pump.
underside of the test set chassis, be careful not to
loosen wires or damage adjacent components.
d. Refer to TM 11-6625-614-45 for repair of the air
pump assembly.
e. Solder connections carefully; poorly soldered
connections can result in intermittent operation.
e. Install the replacement pump.
f. Comment the plumbing to the pump. Connect
heat sink and a soldering iron with a rating of not more
the electrical wires.
than 40 watts.
g. Check pump operation to ensure it is functioning
g. When removing or installing a printed-wiring
card, be careful not to damage components on the card
h. Reinstall the panel-chassis in the case.
or those on adjacent cards.
6-8. Replacement of Regulator Valves
6-3. Test Equipment Required
Replace the regulator valve as follows:
Refer to paragraph 7-3.
a. Remove the control knob from the valve shaft.
b. Remove the panel-chassis from its case.
6-4. Troubleshooting Tables
c. Remove the bottom pan from the chassis.
Three troubleshooting tables are included to enable the
d. Disconnect the plumbing from the valve.
electronic technician to locate and correct trouble in the
test set. Table 6-1 covers all the test meter circuits.
e. Remove the attaching hardware from the valve
and withdraw the valve from the chassis. Discard the
faulty valve and gasket; retain the hardware.
circuits. Use the schematic diagrams (figs. 1-2 through
aids during troubleshooting.
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