5-2.7. CLEANING. Inspect the exterior of the equipment. The exterior surfaces should be free of dust, dirt, grease, and
fungus. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean soft cloth.
Cleaning compound is flammable and its fumes are toxic. Provide adequate ventilation; do not
use near a flame.
5-2.8. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt from the equipment; use a cloth dampened with (not wet) Cleaning
Compound (Federal stock No. 7930-395-9542).
5-2.9. Remove dust and dirt from plugs and jacks with a soft brush.
Do not press on the meter faces (glass) when cleaning; the meters may become damaged.
5-2.10. Clean the front panel, meters, and control knobs and switches; use a soft clean cloth. If necessary, dampen the
cloth with water; mild soap may be used for more effective cleaning.
5-2.11. TOUCHUP PAINTING . Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces by lightly sanding them with fine
sandpaper. Brush two thin coats of paint on the bare metal to protect it from further corrosion. Refer to the applicable
cleaning and refinishing practices specified in TM 9-213.
5-3. LUBRICATION . No lubrication is required.
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