TM 11-6625-646-15
As the actuator-simulator is used in the SAS bench test
voltage, chopped, converted to a nominal sine wave,
set, two of the stages on the card are not operational
amplified, and fed back to the SAS amplifier as a
and are not described:
simulated feedback signal (para 1-18 through 1-25).
This simulated feedback signal is also rectified on the
actuator-simulator card and connected through relay
b. Output emitter-follower Q607
contacts to the metering circuit output at pins 20 and 23
of receptacle J63.
1-20. In addition to the two unused stages, certain
resistors and input and output wiring options are not
d. The open or closed loop metering circuit output
used and are not described. In the following stage
of the actuator-simulator card from pins 20 and 23 of
analyses circuit and component functions are described
receptacle J63 is routed to YAW AXIS meter M2.
to cover the operation of the circuit board when it is
e. The feedback signal of the actuator-simulator
used to simulate an extensible link.
card from pin 25 of receptacle J63 is routed to pins L
and N (strapped) of receptacle J60. From this point, the
1-21. Phase Inverter
signal is routed to the feedback (cancellation) circuits of
the SAS amplifier.
In the unity-gain phase inverter, the output of the SAS
amplifier channel is converted to a dc , signal voltage
f. The 2.5-volt ac feedback resistor excitation
whose polarity is determined by the direction of the
voltage from the SAS amplifier channel is connected to
differential current output of the channel. Dc signal
pins M and P of receptacle J60. From pins M and P the
voltage from the phase inverter is chopped and fed to
excitation voltage is connected to the reference voltage
the two-stage preamplifier. The phase inverter stage
input of the actuator-simulator card at pins 8 and 9 of
includes a regulated - 20-volt dc supply.
receptacle J63. On the actuator-simulator card, the
excitation voltage is used to phase relate the operation
a. The phase inverter is essentially a bridge circuit;
of the chopper stage to the operation of the SAS
resistors R613 and R615 are the two fixed elements.
amplifier channel (para 1-22). The excitation voltage is
The input network consisting of resistors R605, R606,
also connected to the ac metering circuits through the
and R608 and transistor Q601 shunted by resistors
EXCITATION position of
R609 and R610 are the two dynamic elements. The
FUNCTION switch S7. (para 1-32).
adjustment of balance resistor R609 establishes the
output of the phase inverter at zero volt when the output
of the SAS amplifier channel is not differential.
b. The load resistors of the phase inverter present
to the SAS amplifier channel a load equivalent to the
output of the channel is connected through pins 2 and 5
of the card connector to load resistors R605 and R606
which simulate the windings of the link solenoid. Link
operating voltage (approximately 15 volts dc) from the
SAS amplifier is connected through pin 3 of the card
connector to the junction of the load resistors.
1-18. Actuator Simulator
c. When a correction signal is present in the SAS
amplifier channel, the differential current output of the
SAS amplifier causes voltage changes, which are equal
printed-wiring circuit board (card) designed to simulate a
and opposite, at the ends of the load resistors.
SAS extensible link as well as certain other actuators.
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