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TM 11-6625-646-15
through multiplier resistor R305.
a. Twenty-six volt ac from power transformer T501
f. When  FUNCTION  switch  S7 is at PEDAL
is connected to the primary of reference voltage
transformer T401. The output of transformer T401, is 5
POT. OUPT, the simulated feedback being fed from the
volts centertapped to the negative side of FUNCTION
moving contact of PEDAL POT resistor R502 to the yaw
meter M1.  This output is applied to a demodulator
channel of the SAS amplifier is connected to meter M1
consisting of diodes CR401 through CR404 and test
through multiplier resistor R401.
voltage input transformer T402. On one half-cycle of
reference voltage, diodes CR401 and CR402 conduct.
1-32. Ac Metering Circuits
On the alternate half-cycle, diodes CR403 and CR404
conduct. When a diode pair is conductive, the circuit is
During ac metering functions, the voltage to be
closed through the associated half of the input
measured is connected through a calibrating resistor
transformer secondary to the positive side of meter M1.
and FUNCTION switch wafers S7C and S7D to test
In effect, the positive side of meter M1 is switched from
voltage input transformer T402 of the function meter
one half to the other half of the secondary of input
rectifier (para 1-33). The dc output of the meter rectifier
transformer T402 at the power frequency rate. Without
is applied across a meter shunt and through FUNCTION
an ac voltage in the primary winding of transformer
switch wafers S7A and S7B to FUNCTION meter Ml.
T402, the output to meter M1 is theoretical zero, a
For each position of switch S7, the calibrating resistor
series of self-canceling pulses of negligible amplitude
has a value which, together with the value of the meter
which have no effect on the meter indication.
shunt, results in the meter indication within the red or
green sector of the scale.
b. When ac test voltage is applied to the primary
of transformer T402, the voltage applied to meter M1 is
a. When FUNCTION switch S7 is at AC PWR, the
the output of one half of the secondary winding during
26-volt output of the secondary winding of test set power
its positive or negative half-cycle and the output of the
transformer T501 is connected to input transformer
other half of the secondary during its corresponding half-
T402 through calibrating resistor R406.
cycle. The output of transformer T402 at the center tap
b. When FUNCTION switch S7 is at YAW, ROLL,
is a series of positive or negative pulses, depending
upon the phase of the ac voltage being measured. This
excitation voltage (from the SAS amplifier), normally
dc output voltage is applied across meter shunt resistor
applied to the primary feedback variable resistor in the
R407 and through the ac test positions of FUNCTION
corresponding extensible link, is connected to input
switch S7 to the positive terminal of FUNCTION meter
transformer T402 through switch S5 and calibrating
resistor R402, R403, or R404, respectively.
c. When FUNCTION switch S7 is at SEC.
1-34. Miscellaneous Test Circuits
FEEDBACK  POT  EXCITATION,  the  secondary
excitation voltage (from the SAS amplifier), normally
1-35. ASE Mode
applied to the secondary feedback variable resistor in
These circuits not applicable to the CH-47 SAS
the extensible links is connected to input transformer
T402 through calibrating resistor R405.
1-36. Half-Gain Mode
1-33. Function Meter Rectifier
During normal operation, each SAS amplifier operates
In the meter rectifier (phase-sensitive demodulator), the
at half gain. During bench testing,
ac voltage to be measured is converted to a positive or
negative dc voltage.  The polarity of the dc output
voltage is a function of the phase of the ac input

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