![]() TM 11-6625-646-15
capacitor C604. Capacitor C610 bypasses the signal
corresponding functions.
around emitter resistor R632. Negative feedback for
stability is provided through resistor R628.
d. Operating voltage (approximately 23 volts dc) is
c. Except for reference designations and the
connected to the emitter of amplifier Q606 through
resistor R651 and ac degeneration resistor R650; base
values of certain components which alter its gain, the
bias is furnished by resistor R649. The sine wave
second amplifier stage is identical with the first stage.
output of the second amplifier is connected through dc-
Corresponding components perform corresponding
blocking capacitor C614 to the base of transistor Q606.
The amplified output signal is developed across the
d. The square wave output of the two-stage
primary winding of transformer T604, phase corrected
amplifier is coupled through dc-blocking capacitor C603
by capacitor C619 and coupled through dc-blocking
to an integrating network consisting of resistors R626,
capacitor C618 to the meter rectifier stage and through
R629, and R634 and capacitors C606, C607, and C608.
pin 25 of the card connector and the test set receptacle
In the integrating network, the square wave is
to the feedback (cancellation voltage) circuit of the SAS
converted, first to a triangular wave, then to a sine
amplifier. Capacitor C620 bypasses the signal around
emitter resistor R651. Resistor R650 provides negative
feedback in the third stage and resistor R636 completes
the external feedback loop to the first stage, establishing
1-24. Amplifier
gain and phase shift.
In the three-stage amplifier as it is used in the SAS
bench test set the sine wave (approximate) signal from
1-25. Axis Meter Rectifier
the integrating network is amplified and coupled as a
simulated link feedback (cancellation) signal to the SAS
In the meter rectifier (phase-sensitive demodulator)
amplifier channel and to the simulator card meter
stage, the simulated extensible-link feedback signal
rectifier stage. Amplifier stability is provided by one
from the amplifier is converted to a positive or negative
external and three internal feedback loops and the total
dc voltage. The polarity of this voltage is a function of
gain of the 3-stage amplifier is approximately 1000.
the phase of the ac input signal. This stage functions as
a. B + (27 volts dc from the dc supply of the test
a meter rectifier when relay K601 is released (AXES
set) is connected to the amplifier through decoupling
networks consisting of resistor R653 and capacitor C617
FEEDBACK V). When relay K601 is operated (AXES
and resistor R647 and capacitor C616. Operating
METER switch S4 at OPEN LOOP TOR MOT V), the
voltage (approximately 23 volts dc) is connected to the
meter rectifier is inoperative and the open loop output of
emitter of first amplifier Q604 through resistor R639;
the SAS amplifier channel is connected through
base bias is furnished by resistor R638.
contacts 5 and 2 and through meter multiplier R640 and
contacts 1 and 6 of relay K601 to the AXIS meter.
b. The sine wave input signal is connected through
gain control resistor R635 and dc-blocking capacitor
C611 to the base of PNP transistor Q604.
The dc output of the meter rectifier
amplified output signal is developed across collector
stage is taken across the center taps
load resistor R641 and coupled to the second amplifier
of reference voltage transformer
stage through dc-blocking capacitor C612. Capacitor
T603 and signal transformer T602
C613 bypasses the signal around emitter resistor R639
and applied to the zero-center axis
and resistor R637 provides negative feedback for
meter. To maintain consistency in
the direction of meter indications
c. Except for the reference designations of its
components, the second amplifier is identical with the
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