TM 11-6625-646-15
transformer T601. Resistors R601 and R602 balance
Depending on the direction of the differential current,
the circuit to ground, simulating the feedback variable
the voltage on the base of transistor Q601 will increase
resistors in the extensible link. The output of the
or decrease, changing the collector current of the
secondary winding of the transformer is connected
transistor accordingly. The voltage at the collector will
through limiting resistors R620 and R621 to a network
change by an amount equal to the input but in the
consisting of diodes CR601, CR602, CR603 and CR604.
opposite direction.
b. During the half the reference voltage cycle when
d. The dc signal output of the phase inverter at the
diodes CR601 through CR604 are conductive, the
junction of resistors R613 and R615 is connected
junction of diodes CR603 and CR604 is at the same
through an external jumper between pins 6 and 7 (which
potential as the junction of diodes CR601 and CR602-
shunts resistor R614) of the card connector to a lag
signal ground potential. During the half-cycle when the
network consisting of resistor R617 and capacitor C601.
diodes are nonconductive, the junction of diodes CR603
This lag network reduces the rate of change in signal
and CR604 is at signal voltage level. Thus the output of
level, simulating the lag in actual link operation. A dual
the phase inverter at the junction of isolating resistor
limiter consisting of diodes CR605 and CR606 limits the
R618 and R624 is interrupted at the power frequency
excursion of the dc signal to approximately 0.5 volt.
rate and converted to a square wave. The phasing of
The dual limiter protects against a high voltage
the interruption and the polarity of the square wave are
condition which might result from a fault in the phase
related to the characteristic of the correction signal in
inverter or a fault in the SAS amplifier. Resistors R618
the SAS amplifier channel.
and R624 isolate the chopper from the phase inverter
and the preamplifier.
1-23. Preamplifier and Filter
e. Twenty-six volts ac from the power supply of the
test box is applied through pin 19 of the car(d connector
In the preamplifier and filter stages, the chopped output
and is limited, rectified, filtered, and regulated to -20 vdc
of the phase inverter is converted to a waveform
by the network consisting of resistor R625, rectifier
approximating a sine wave of equal amplitude. The
diode CR608, capacitor C602, resistor R619 and zener
two-stage preamplifier has a gain of approximately 1000
diode CR607. Operating voltage is supplied to the
which compensates for the attenuation of approximately
collector of transistor Q601 through limiting resistor
1000 in the filter (integrating network). The threshold
R616. Forward bias is applied to the base through fixed
level of input and output signals is 1 millivolt.
resistor R610 and balance resistor R609.
a. B+ (27 volts dc) from the dc distribution circuits
1-22. Chopper
of the test set is connected to the preamplifier through
pin 16 of the card connector and the decoupling network
consisting of resistor R653 and capacitor C617 and
The chopper converts the dc output of the phase
resistor R652 and capacitor C621. Operating voltage
inverter to a positive or negative square wave,
(approximately 23 volts dc) is connected to the emitter
depending upon the polarity of the output. Feedback
of transistor Q602 through resistor R632; base bias is
resistor excitation voltage from the SAS amplifier
furnished by resistor R633.
channel is used as a reference voltage to phase-relate
the operation of the chopper to the operation of the
b. The square wave input signal is connected
through isolation resistor R624 and dc-blocking
a. The 2.5-volt ac excitation voltage from the SAS
capacitor C605 to the base of PNP transistor Q602. The
amplified square wave is developed across collector
amplifier is applied through pins 8 and 9 of the card
load resistor R623 and coupled to the second stage
connector to the primary winding of reference voltage
through dc-blocking
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