![]() TM 11-6625-467-12
presents a visual indication of the performance of
ticular switch is not relative to the test being per-
the module. Paragraphs 3-6 through 3-12 cover the
various module tests that can be performed with the
test set.
The calibration adjustments of the test
b. Power Supply. The test set may also be used
set required for the module tests are in-
as a 27.5-volt direct current (de) power source to
dicated in the CIRCUIT SELECTOR
operate a complete Radio Set AN/ARC-54. Refer to
c o l u m n i n parenthesis
( c a l i b r a t e ) . If the result in the in-
structions column is not obtained for the
given adjustment, troubleshooting of the
3-5. Starting Procedure
test set is required
Follow the instructions in a through d b e l o w
(4) Instructions. The instructions column gives
before performing any tests specified in paragraphs
the step-by-step procedure for performing the
module test. The steps must be performed in
a Preliminary Switch and Control Setting (fig.
numerical order. All switches, connectors, and
meters refereed to in this column are on the test set
follows: POWER switch to OFF, POWER SELEC-
unless otherwise indicated.
TOR switch to 27.5V, and DESPIKE AMPL con-
(5) Test limits. When a test step in the in-
trol to full counterclockwise position.
structions column calls for a meter reading, the
meter reading in percent is given in the test limits
All switches and controls other than
column. Usually a minimum and maximum limit for
those listed in a above may be left in any
the reading is specified: however, where only one
desired position.
limit is specified, the other limit (minimum or
maximum) does not exist.
c. Arrangement of Tests. Each module test is
subdivided into individual tests that can be per
(1) Connect the power cable connector end to
formed on the module. The individual teats are
the POWER INPUT 115/230 VAC connector on the
a r r a n g e d so that any particular test module
front panel.
may be performed without performing the tests
(2) Connect the other end of the power cable to a
preceding it. For example, the variable if receive
115-volt alternating current (at) power source.
gain test given in paragraph 3-6, step 5, my be per-
formed on the rf subchassis without performing
If 230-volt operation is desired, refer to
steps 1 through 4. However, all substeps (5a, b, etc.~)
must be performed to insure that the equipment is
(3) Set the POWER switch to ON.
calibrated for that particular test. The starting
(4) Press the PRESS TO MONITOR
procedure (para 3-5) must be performed before
VOLTAGE switch and check to see that the TEST
plugging a module into the test set.
METER indicates from 60 to 70 percent.
d. Trouble Isolation. If the test limits given for
(5) Set the POWER SELECTOR switch to
each test in paragraphs 3-6 through 3-12 are not
N O R M A L , press the PRESS TO MONITOR
o b t a i n e d , troubleshooting of the AN/ARC-54
VOLTAGE switch and check to see that the TEST
module under test is required.
METER indicates from 60 to 70 percent.
e. Self-Test Procedures. The test set has a self-
(6) Set the POWER SELECTOR switch to
test feature that may be used to detect a misad-
justment or malfunction within the equipment.
MONITOR VOLTAGE switch, and check to see
T h e s e tests can be found in table 4-1, the
that the TEST METER indicates from 60 to 70 per-
Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and
3-4. Types of Operation
If any of the above readings is not within
t h e specified tolerance, perform the
a. Module Tester. The primary purpose of the
procedures in table 4-1, Operator/Crew
test set is to test the individual modules of Radio
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Ser-
Set AN/ARC-54. The front panel of the test set (fig.
c. Plugging in Modules (fig. 3-2). When a module
AN/ARC-54 module. Function switches on the test
is to be tested, first set the POWER switch to OFF,
set connect power and simulated loads to the
and then plug the module into the appropriate
various module circuits and a metering circuit
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