TB 43-0001-61-15-1
a. This bulletin provides information and/or action to be taken to correct equipment
faults reported through Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs). It also provides
notification of minor alterations, publication changes, advance information of modification
work orders (MWOs) and maintenance program planning and execution.
b. This technical bulletin (TB) is published quarterly to disseminate technical
information concerning Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) to field units
and major commands.
a. This bulletin contains EIR and general information pertaining to TMDE that is
managed or maintained by the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command. It may contain
information on EIRs, equipment publication changes, MWOs, warranty recall information,
and publication actions some resulting from DA Forms 2028, Recommended Changes to
Publications and Blank Forms.
b. This bulletin is informational in nature. It contains discretionary entries, authorizes
certain maintenance actions, and gives advance information on the future changes to
equipment publications.
c. This bulletin may contain minor changes that may be performed without an MWO.
Control and reporting of these changes in accordance with DA PAM 750-8 is not required
except as routine maintenance action.
Obtaining the Equipment Improvement Report and Maintenance Digest
This TB will be posted to the LOGSA website. The digest may be requested from APD.
The Digest is also available from the USATA home page under the "Publications" header.
Points of contact for this EIR are Mr. Gary Davenport, email:
gary.m.davenport.civ@mail.mil, DSN: 645-8082, commercial: 256-955-8082 or Mr. Fred
Melton, e-mail: fred.d.melton.civ@mail.mil, DSN: 746-3367, commercial: 256-876-3367.