![]() TM 11-6625-646-15
through the secondary winding of transformer T6. The
d. Output Signal Circuit.
The output of the
emitter-base bias differential of approximately 0.2 volt
modulator stage from pin 16 of receptacle J70 is
makes transistor Q1 conductive at all times. Capacitors
connected through a gain control network to a four-stage
C4 and C5 complete the signal input and signal output
amplifier card 14E3049-19. The gain control network,
coupling circuits, respectively, to the emitter of ac
consisting of capacitor C203 and resistors R206 and
amplifier Q1.
R207 (on card A03V3060), simulates the full-gain
configuration of the gain control network in the SAS
b. Second Ac Amplifier. The amplified signal from
amplifier. From pin 18 of receptacle J66, the controlled
the secondary winding of interstage transformer T7 is
output is applied to the input circuit of the four-stage
applied across the emitter and base of PNP transistor
amplifier card at pin 6 of receptacle J69. This amplifier
Q2; the amplified output signal is taken across the
card is identical with the amplifier card used in SAS
emitter and collector and coupled through interstage
amplifiers (para 1-28). The differential output of the
transformer T8 to the demodulator. Operating voltage
amplifier card at pins 13, 15, and 17 of receptacle J69 is
(27 volts dc) from the power supply of the test set is
applied across torquemotor simulator resistors R302 and
connected through pin 7 of the card connector to the
R303 (on card A02V3064). Connections to function
voltage dividing and biasing network consisting of
meter M1 are routed from pins 3 and 6 of receptacle J67
resistors R11, R12, and R14. Operating voltage is
through the DEM OUTPUT positions of FUNCTION
supplied to the emitter of transistor Q2 through dc
switch wafers S7A and S7B Resistor R304 (on card
degeneration resistor R14 and ac degeneration resistor
A02V3064) is a meter multiplier.
The voltage dividing network, consisting of
resistors R11 and R12, halves the supply voltage and
provides bias to the base of transistor Q2 through the
1-28. Amplifier Card
secondary winding of transformer T7. The emitter-base
differential of approximately 0.2 volt makes transistor
On the amplifier card, the test signal output of the
Q2 conductive at all times. Despite the higher operating
demodulator-modulator card under test is amplified,
voltage, the gain of the second ac amplifier stage is
converted to a differential dc current in a phase-
approximately the same as that of the first. Capacitors
sensitive demodulator, and coupled through emitter
C6 and C7 complete the signal input and signal output
followers to resistive loads which simulate the
coupling circuits to the emitter of ac amplifier Q2.
torquemotor windings of an extensible link. The output
of the emitter followers is also connected to function
c. Demodulator and Emitter-Followers.
In the
meter M1 to permit monitoring the amplitude and
polarity of the differential current output.
(approximately 8 volt ac) from phase-shifting voltage-
a. First Ac Amplifier. The signal input path is
divider network C201, R312, R313 is applied to the
completed through a phase-correcting gain-control
center tap of the secondary winding of interstage
network consisting or resistor R18 and capacitor C10.
transformer T8.
The amplified output signal is taken across the emitter
(1) During a no-signal condition, only the
and collector and coupled through interstage
reference voltage is present in the secondary winding of
transformer T7 to the second ac amplifier. Operating
transformer T8. The positive half-cycle of this reference
voltage (approximately 23 volts dc) from pin 8 of the
voltage, taken from both ends of the winding, is rectified
card connector is connected to the voltage-dividing and
by diodes CR9 and CR10. The dc output of diode
biasing network consisting of resistors R7, R8, and R10.
rectifier CR9 is filtered by capacitor C8 and applied to
Operating voltage is applied to the emitter of transistor
load resistor R15 which is connected across the base
Q1 through dc degeneration resistor R10 and ac
and collector of transistor Q3. The dc output
degeneration resistor R9. The voltage-dividing network,
consisting of resistors R7 and R8, halves the supply
voltage and provides bias to the base of the transistor
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