TM 11-6625-646-15
network consisting of resistors R313, R312, and
of diode rectifier CR10 is filtered by capacitor C9 and
capacitor C201 to pin 19 of AMPLIFIER receptacle J71.
applied to load resistor R16 which is connected across
This circuit also furnishes ac reference voltage for the
the base and collector of transistor Q4. Twenty-seven
amplifier card of the demodulator-modulator card test
volts dc from the power supply of the test set is
circuit (para 1-28). Twenty-seven volts dc from the
connected through current limiting resistor R17 to the
power supply of the test set is connected directly to pin 7
junction of torquemotor simulator resistors R302 and
and through a decoupling network consisting of resistor
The opposite ends of these resistors are
R203 and capacitor C202 to pin 8 of AMPLIFIER
connected to the emitters of transistors Q3 and Q4.
receptacle J71; pins 1 and 12 provide the ground
With only the rectified reference voltage on the bases,
returns. These are the dc operating voltages for the
equal currents flow through the emitters and the
amplifier stages.
differential indicated by meter M1 is zero.
(2) When a test signal is present in the
b. Input Signal. Twenty-six volts ac from the
primary of interstage transformer T8, the signal will,
power supply of the test set is also connected to the
depending on its phase, add to the positive half-cycle of
primary winding of stepdown test signal transformer
reference voltage at diode CR9 or CR10 and subtract
T301 (on card A02V3064). The secondary winding is
from the positive half-cycle at the other diode. With
center tapped to ground and the opposite ends of the
unequal dc potentials applied to the bases, unequal
winding ale connected to phase-reversing CARD TEST
currents will flow through the emitters of transistors Q3
SIGNAL switch S6. Operating the switch to L or R
and Q4 and through resistors R303 and R302. The
connects the selected phase of the test signal through a
direction and amplitude of the differential is indicated on
voltage divider network R308 and R309 (on card
function meter M1.
A02V3064) to the input of the amplifier through pin 6 of
receptacle J71.
1-29. Amplifier Card Test Circuit
The amplifier card test circuit furnishes operating
voltage and an input test signal to the card under test
and connects the output of the card to the loading and
(Located in back of manual.)
metering circuits.
a. Operating Voltage. Twenty-six volts ac from the
power supply of the test set is connected through an RC
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