![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
Figure 2-6. 500-kHz fm oscillator circuit ,functional diagram.
2-11. 30 MHz Oscillator Signal Paths
output level. The oscillator circuit contains a level
detector circuit that samples the oscillator output
and produces a proportional dc output. CIRCUIT
The 30 megahertz oscillator produces a 30 mega-
SELECTOR B (position 1) connects the level detec-
hertz sine wave output. The oscillator output ap-
tor output to the dc voltmeter circuit for readout.
pears at the 30 MC jack on the front panel of the test
set. In position 3, CIRCUIT SELECTOR D connects
2-10. 5.925 MHz Oscillator Signal Paths
+27.5 volts dc to the HIGH FREQ AMPL control
w h i c h adjusts the oscillator output level. Either
The 5.925 megahertz oscillator produces a 5.925
megahertz sine wave output signal. The oscillator
FREQ AMPL control output to the 30 megahertz
ouput appears at the 5 MC jack on the test set front
oscillator. In position O, CIRCUIT SELECTOR A
panel. CIRCUIT SELECTOR D (position 9) connects
completes the path. In position 7, CIRCUIT SELEC-
+27.5 volts dc to the LOW FREQ AMPL control,
TOR C completes the path.
and CIRCUIT SELECTOR C (position 9) applies the
control output to the oscillator. The LOW FREQ
2-12. 68 MHz Oscillator Signal Paths
AMPL control adjusts the oscillator output level.
The oscillator circuit contains a level detector cir-
The 68 megahertz oscillator produces a 68 mega-
cuit that samples the 5.925 megahertz output and
hertz sine wave output signal. The oscillator output
produces a proportional dc output. CIRCUIT
appears at the 68 MC jack on the front panel of the
SELECTOR B (position 2) connects the level detec-
test set. In position 3, CIRCUIT SELECTOR D con-
tor output to the dc voltmeter circuit for readout.
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