![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
Figure 2-8. 5.925 MHz oscillator circuit, functional diagram
2-15. 500 KHz Filter Signal Paths
voltmeter circuit connects to the crystal filter out-
put, and the oscillator frequency is adjusted for a
peak reading.
The 500 kilohertz filter circuit consists of two types
2-16. Distortion Detector Signal Paths
of filters, a bandpass filter and a crystal filter. The
circuits are used to check and calibrate the fre-
quency of the 500 kilohertz oscillator in the transmit
The distortion detector circuit measures distortion
audio module. In position 3, CIRCUIT SELECTOR
generated by various AN/ARC-54 module circuits.
D connects the transmit audio module 500 kilohertz
The distortion detector operates by use of a 1 kHz
frequency; therefore, the 1 kHz oscillator circuit
oscillator to the filter input through the 500 KC
FILTER control. The KC FILTER control adjusts
d e t e c t o r . The 1 kHz oscillator connects to the
the input amplitude to the filter circuit which can be
directly monitored by the ac voltmeter circuit. The
module circuit input. The circuit outputs connect to
bandpass filter (mechanical filter) has a center fre-
quency of 500 kHz and a bandwidth of 700 Hz at the
B, in position 0, 1, 2, or 3, connects the desired cir-
- 6 decibel (half voltage) level. To determine
c u i t to the distortion detector input. DIST DET
whether the frequency is within the 700 Hz of 500
(distortion detector) control R4 couples the CIR-
kHz, set the input level to the filter circuit to a
CUIT SELECTOR B output to the distortion detec-
desired level; then switch the ac voltmeter circuit to
tor circuit and adjusts the amplitude of the signal to
the bandpass filter output, The crystal filter has a
a desired level. Two steps are involved in using the
much narrower bandpass than the bandpass filter
distortion detector. First, the amplifier output is
and is used to adjust the oscillator frequency. The ac
connected directly to the voltmeter circuit through
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