TM 9-4931-378-13&P
Section I. GENERAL
performing aviation unit maintenance (AVUM) and aviation
and alignment of the Test Set is covered in Chapter 6.
intermediate maintenance (AVIM) of the Test Set, Fire and
Flight Air Data Subsystem XM142.
mation not available.
1-2. Maintenance
Forms and Records. M a i n t e n a n c e
forms and records which you are required to use are listed
and explained in TM 38-750.
1-7. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommenda-
tions (EIR). ElR's will be prepared on SF Form 368, Re-
p o r t i n g Quality Deficiencies. Instructions for preparing
cedures are contained in TM 740-90-1.
ElR's are provided in TM 38-750, the Army Maintenance
Management System. ElR's should be mailed directly to
Commander, US. Army Armament Materiel Readiness
Use. Instructions for destruction of Army materiel to pre-
Command ATTN: DRSAR-MAO, Rock Island, IL. 61229.
A reply will be furnished directly to you.
vent enemy use will be as prescribed in TM 750-244-1-5.
system: XM142, figure 1-1, supports AVIM tests of individ-
ual line replaceable units (LRU) of the Fire, and Flight Air
Data Subsystem, Helicopter Armament XM 143 (Air Data
Test Set, Fire and
Subsystem). The test set provides electrical simulation of all
Flight Air Data Sub-
LRU input and output signals. All LRU input and output
System: XM142:
Length 19.0 in.
signals are monitored. When used with specified auxiliary
Height 26.0 in.
equipment (refer to TM 9-1270-219-13&P), the test set can
Width 22.0 in.
detect malfunctions and isolate the faults to a shop replace-
Fixture, Checking:
8.0 in.
able unit (SRU).
9.0 in.
4.0 in.
Test Set, Fire and
test set, Fixture, Checking and Kit, Pneumatic. The Fix-
Flight Air Data Sub-
ture, Checking (checking fixture) and the Pneumatic Kit are
system: XM142:
100 lbs.
stored inside the removable test set cover. Two power ca-
Input Power:
bles, one adapter, and three LRU interconnect cables (all
115 Vac, 50, 60 or 400 HZ, single phase, 100 volt-
part of the test set) and five four-foot lengths of tubing are
amperes maximum
also stored inside the cover. The front panel controls and
28 Vdc, 100 watts maximum
indicators divide into two basic categories; those which con-
Test Set, Fire and Flight Air Data Subsystem: XM142
trol the electrical signals going out to the unit under test
(UUT), and those which select or display the signals coming
Test Set, Air Data Subystem, Unit 1
from the UUT, Figure 1-2 shows the test set with all loose
Kit, Pneumatic
equipment removed from the cover.
Consisting of:
Case Assembly
1-10. Differences Between Models. There are no differ.
Tubing, five 4-ft lengths.
ences between models.
Fixture, Checking
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