![]() TM 55-4920-415-13&P
If one 360 degree loop in dive or climb is
2-13. General. The instructions contained in this section
desired, leave fork index knob engaged. If
are for the use of the operating personnel.
continuous loops in dive or climb are desired,
pull out and rotate knob one-fourth turn.
2-14. Set-Up.
c. Positioning of indicator under test axially within
a. The gyro tester should be located on top of a test
the gimbal ring may be accomplished by first
bench with sufficient table space for the tester and
loosening lock screw (30, Figure 1-1) rotating
other equipment. The power cable (18, Figure 1-1)
the mounting plate (5), and finally re-tightening
is connected to a 115 volt, ac, 60 Hz power source.
the lock screw.
d. Set the rotational rate switch (26) to the value
Set the vibrator and rotation toggle
called for by the Technical Manual of the unit
switches (22 and 25) and turn the
under test.
rotational rate switch (26) to the "OFF"
e. Set the vibrator motor switch (25) to the "ON"
positions prior to applying power to the
position if called for by the Technical Manual.
gyro tester. This will prevent any wires
f. The gyro tester is put into operation by setting
that may be leading from the gyro
the rotation switch (22) to the "ON" or
transmitters under test from becoming
"REVERSE" position as required.
unnecessarily wrapped up.
2-16. Rates of Roll Simulation.
fork in the horizontal position shown. Engage the
a. Position the plane of the gimbal ring (6, Figure
fork index knob (14) and proceed to level the base
using four leveling pads (3) while observing circular
pulling out the gimbal index knob (1).
level (9).
b. Steps in the operation are the same as 2-15. (b)
c. Pull out the gimbal index knob (1) and rotate the
through (f).
gimbal ring (6) so that its plane is parallel to the
plane of the fork as shown. Release the knob and
secure the gimbal ring. Pull out the cradle index
2-17. Rates of Turn Simulation.
knob and rotate the cradle (15) so that it is in the
a. Position the plane of the gimbal ring (6, Figure
vertical plane. Release the knob and secure the
cradle. Proceed to level the tester by using the
pulling out the gimbal index knob (1).
leveling pads (3) and observing the circular level
b. Rotate the cradle (15) to the vertical position by
pulling out the cradle index knob (17).
d. Mount the indicator to be tested on the adapter
plate (2). Instruments under 6 inches in diameter
can be accommodated by the mounting plate (5).
Exercise care to re-engage the index
2-15. Rates of Dive and Climb Simulation.
knob before turning loose of the cradle.
a. Pull out cradle index knob (17, Figure 1-1) and
Dropping the fork assembly onto the
rotate cradle (15) to horizontal position shown in
base could cause misalignment of the
Figure 1-1. Secure cradle by releasing knob.
b. Rotate fork (7) to 0 degree position by pulling out
fork index knob (14). Secure fork by releasing
c. Additional steps in the operation are the same
as 2-15. (b) through (f).
Humid Conditions.
Inspect all electrical
2-20. Salt Water Conditions. Immediately wipe off the
components for signs of corrosion. Use a fine sandpaper
unit with a cloth dampened with fresh water if it comes
to remove corrosion from the terminals of components,
into contact with salt spray. Dry thoroughly.
particularly, the fuse holders and lamp holders.
2-19. Dusty Conditions . It is important to keep dust off
the unit. Cover the gyro tester when not in use.
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