e. Column (4)--Tools and Equipment. Col-
umn headings, authorized to perform the indi-
cated function.
umn (4) lists the special tools and test equip-
d. Use of Symbols. Arabic numerals (sym-
ment, If required, used in performing the au-
bols) used in column (3) are as follows:
thorized maintenance functions.
Maintenance function number codes:
f. Column (5)--Remarks. Column (5) ex-
1_ _ _ _ _ _ Operator
plains and identifies the specific operation to be
2_ _ _ _ _ _ Organizational
3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Direct support
performed in brief language, such as clean,
4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ General support
lubricate, straighten, weld, etc.
5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Depot maintenance
Maintenance Allocation Chart