i. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
1. General
condition. This includes, but is not limited to,
This maintenance allocation chart lists the
inspection, cleaning, preserving, adjusting, re-
authorized maintenance functions assigned the
placing, welding, riveting, and strengthening.
maintenance categories for maintenance sup-
j. Overhaul. To restore an item to a com-
port of the M5 test set. This chart is to be used
pletely serviceable condition as prescribed by
by all levels of maintenance to ensure complete
maintenance serviceability standards using the
support of the equipments.
I n s p e c t and Repair O n l y As Necessary
2. Maintenance Functions
(IROAN,) technique.
Maintenance functions authorized are lim-
k. Rebuild. To restore an item to a standard
ited to and defined as follows:
as nearly as possible to original or new condi-
a. Inspect. To determine serviceability of an
tion in appearance, performance, and life ex-
item by comparing its physical, mechanical,
pectancy. This is accomplished through com-
and electrical characteristics with established
plete disassembly of the item, inspection of all
parts or components, repair or replacement of
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to de-
worn or unserviceable elements (items) using
tect electrical or mechanical failure by use of
original manufacturing tolerances and specifi-
test equipment.
cations, and subsequent reassembly of the item.
c. Service. To clean, to preserve, to charge,
l. Symbols. An arabic numeral symbol placed
in a maintenance responsible for performing
that particular function.
d. Adjust. To rectify to the extent necessary
to bring into proper operating range.
3. Explanation of Format
e. Align. To adjust specified variable ele-
The purpose and use of the format are as fol-
ments of an item to bring to optimum perform-
lows :
a. Column (1) - Group Number. Column (1)
f. Calibrate. To determine the corrections to
lists group numbers, if assigned, the purpose
be made in the readings of instruments or test
of which is to identify components, assemblies,
equipment used in precise measurement. Con-
subassemblies, and modules with the next
sists of the comparison of two instrument, one
higher assembly.
of which is a certified standard of known ac-
b. Column (2) - Functional Group. Column
curacy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in
the accuracy of the instrument being compared
(2) lists the groups, sections, names of compo-
nents, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules
with the certified standard.
on which maintenance is authorized.
g. Install. To set up for use in an operation-
al environment `such as an emplacement, site, or
c. Column (3) - Maintenance Function. Col-
umn (3) lists the maintenance categories, des-
h. Replace. To replace unserviceable items
ignated by an arabic numeral (1 through 5)
entered under the maintenance function subcol-
with serviceable assemblies or parts.
AGO 8359A