17. After-Operation Services
16. Before-Operation Inspection and
Warning: Release all pressure on the test
a. Purpose. The purpose of the before-oper-
set item and unit being tested before attempt-
ation inspection and servicing is to determine
ing to make any adjustment, repair, or separa-
whether the test set is in good operating con-
tion (disassembly) of the test set, item, and
unit being tested.
b. Rubber Tubing. Clean the rubber tubing
a. Release the pressure by opening the pres-
and examine it for breaks, cracks, fraying, or
sure release control lever by rotating it in a
counterclockwise direction approximately three-
tention to the portions of the rubber tubing
near the tank adapter and near the base of the
b. Open the bleeder on the bleeder valve as-
large and small tubes where most of the flexing
sembly and release any test fluid which may be
occurs during use. Replace the hose if it is
present in the pressure gage lines
c. Large and Small Tubes. Ispect to see
c. Remove the tested item from the test set.
that the large and small tubes are unbroken and
d. See that all miscellaneous fittings (para
that they are clean.
4d) used during the performance of the testing
d. Scale. Inspect to see that the scale is not
are on hand clean, and properly stowed.
dirty or rust spotted. Inspect to see that the
e. See that the test set is not dirty; if neces-
scale graduations (zero to 300) are easy to
sary clean exterior surfaces with drycleaning
read. Clean with drycleaning solvent (Stod-
solvent and dry with compressed air.
dard) if necessary.
the equipment to be tested. In addition direct
18. General
support determines whether the tested equip-
a. Direct support maintenance personnel are
ment is to be returned to service or rejected.
authorized to perform all maintenance, to per-
Rejected equipment will be turned in to general
form inspection and troubleshooting of the test
and depot maintenance personnel.
set for physical damage, looking for such defi-
ciencies as rust, cracks in rubber tubing, broken
19. Painting
lens on the pressure gage, cracked tubes, dam-
To prevent rusting of metal parts paint all
aged threads on threaded components, and evi-
areas that need repainting. For special paint-
dence of leaking gaskets. In addition they are
ing instructions, refer to TM 9-213.
authorized to replace all worn or broken com-
ponents of the test set as required.
20. Points to be Used
a. Primer. Prime all worn and scratched
b. Direct support maintenance personnel are
surfaces with one coat of pretreatment primer,
responsible for collecting, sorting, and readying
AGO 8359A