![]() TM 11-6625-667-12/NAVAIR 16-30APM-123-1/TO 33A1-3-367-1
other end to Fixed Attenuator CN1088A/U (a
e. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-
11627/APM123(V) is fitted on one end with a
5-pin connector and a 2-pin connector on the
other end. The power cable assembly connects
t o g e t h e r with Fixed Attenuator CN-1088A/U
the AN/APM-123(V)2 or AN/APM123(V)3 to
and Cable Assembly, Radio Frequency CG409H/
a 28-volt dc power source.
U is used to couple the test set to AT-884/APX-
44 type antennas.
f. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX
j. Adapter, Connector UG-564U is used to
11628/APM123(V)2 is fitted on one end with a
adapt Fixed Attenuator CN1088A/U to the an-
4-pin connector and a 3-pin connector on the
t e n n a jack of Transponder Set AN/APX-72
other end. The power cable assembly adapts
when direct coupling tests are performed.
Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-11626/
k. Cable Assembly, Special Purpose Electrical
APM123(V) to a 115-volt, 400-Hertz source for
CX12216/APM123(V) is used to connect the
the AN/APM123(V)2.
test set to mode 4 equipment when performing
g. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX
mode 4 tests. When not in use the cable is stored
11629/APM123(V)3 is fitted on one end with a
external to the test set.
9-pin connector and a 3-pin connector on the
other end. The power cable assembly adapts
APM123(V) is used to connect the test set
Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-11626/
PROBE connector to the test antenna when in-
APM123(V) to a 115-volt 400-Hertz source for
direct coupling tests are performed.
the AN/APM-123(V)3.
m. Test Set Shoulder Strap MX7344/APM-
123 (V) is hooked to shackles on both ends of the
409H/U is used for direct coupling type tests.
test set and used to support the test set when
being carried.
One end is connected to the test set and the
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