![]() 11-6625-667-12/NAVAIR 16-30APM-123-1/TO 33A1-3-367-1
d e c i b e l s (db) 1 attenuation (25 watts) and
b. Running Spares
50 ohms input and output impedance. Fixed At-
115 volts (F02A230V1A)
Fuse, 1-amp,
tenuator CN1088A/U is connected between the
Fuse 2-amp,
28 volts (F02A2502A)
test set and transponder set with Cable Assembly,
Radio Frequency CG-409H/U for direct coupling
1-8. Description of Test Set, Transponder
b. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-
The test set operates from either 115 volts alter-
8330/APM123(V)1 is fitted with a plug-type 3
nating current (ac) or 28 volts direct current
pin connector on one end and a 5-pin connector
(dc) and simulates the operation of an interro-
on the other end. The power cable assembly con-
g a t o r . Interrogation is at 1,030 megahertz
nects the AN/APM123(V)1 to a 115-volt, 50-
(MHz) and receiving at 1,090 MHz. The test set
through 420-Hertz, ac power source.
covers modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, TEST, and 4 and codes
0000 through 7777. ACCEPT and REJECT in-
c. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-
dicators are on the front panel (fig. 2-2). All
8331/APM123(V)1 is fitted on one end with a
operating controls, connectors, and antenna are
5-pin connector and two alligator clips on the
on the front panel. Except for one special pur-
other end. The power cable assembly connects
pose cable, CX12216/APM123 (V), minor com-
the AN/APM123(V)1 to a 28-volt dc power
ponents are stored in Test Set Cover CW890/
d. Cable Assembly, Electrical Power CX-
11626/APM123(V) is fitted on one end with a
1-9. Description of Minor Components
5-pin connector and a 3-pin connector on the
Description of the test set minor components is
other end. The power cable assembly connects
given in a through j below.
the AN/APM-123(V)2 or AN/APM-123(V)3 to
a. Fixed Attenuator CN-1088A/U provides 55
a 115-volt, 60 Hertz ac power source.
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