![]() 18.1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
Checks and Services Periods
The preventive maintenance checks and services
charts (pars. 18.2 and 18.3) outline functions to be
a. Daily. Preventive maintenance checks and
performed at specific intervals. These checks and
services of the equipment are required on a daily
services are to maintain Army electronic equip-
basis while the equipment is in use. If the equip-
ment in serviceable condition; that is, in good
ment is being maintained in a standby (ready for
general (physical) condition and in good operating
immediate operation) condition, the daily checks
condition. To assist operators in maintaining
and services should be performed once each week.
serviceability, the charts indicate what to check,
how to check, and the normal conditions. The
must be accomplished daily and when the equip-
references column lists the areas that contain
ment is initially placed in service or removed from
supplementary information. If the defect cannot
be remedied by the operator, higher echelon main-
b. Weekly. Perform the maintenance functions
tenance is required. Records and reports of these
indicated in the weekly preventive maintenance
checks and services must be made in accordance
checks and services chart (par. 18.3) once each
with the requirements set forth in TM 38-750.
week. Equipment in limited storage (requires
service before operation) does not require weekly
Add paragraphs 18.1 through 18.4 after para-
graph -18:
18.2. Daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart
Par. 18.4a, b, and c.
Clean exterior surfaces (fig. 1), including panel and
Exterior surfaces ----------------
meter glasses. Check meter glasses and indicator
lenses for cracks.
C o n t r o l s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspect knobs (fig. 3), for looseness- ------- -----
Operation --------------------- During operation, be alert for any unusual signs or
18.3. Weekly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart
Check controls (fig. 3) for binding and scraping; tap
lightly to check for cutout due to loose contacts.
Controls knobs should operate smoothly, be pro-
perly secured to shafts, and should not bind.
Tighten loose knobs and be sure that knobs do
not rub against panel.
Cords and cables -----------
Inspect cords and cables (figs. 1 and 2) for breaks,
cuts, kinks, deterioration, strain, and fraying.
End item of equipment
Inspect equipment for completeness ---------------
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt
18.4. Cleaning
with a cloth dampened (not wet) with cleaning
Inspect the exterior of the equipment. The
compound; dry thoroughly.
exterior surfaces should be clean, and free of dust,
c. Remove dust or dirt from plugs and jacks
dirt, grease, and fungus.
with a brush.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean,
d. Clean the cords and cable with a cloth slightly
soft, lint-free cloth.
d a m p e n e d with cleaning compound; dry
Cleaning compound is flammable
and its fumes are toxic. Provide adequate ventila-
Add section II after paragraph 18.4:
tion. Do not use near a flame.
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