![]() CHAPTER 4
compound, before wiping the hous-
16. Scope of Maintenance
Maintenance of the resolver test set is per-
formed by the repairman-user and consists of
harmful to cable sheathing.
the following:
cleaning compound only on bare or
painted metal surfaces, and glass.
(2) Inspect the resolver test set and filter
h o u s i n g s for cracked or chipped paint,
c. Replacement of authorized maintenance
rust, or corrosion. Clean metal sur-
faces by lightly sanding them with
fine sandpaper. Brush two thin coats
17. Tools, Materials, and Test Equipment Required
of paint on the bare metal to protect
it from further corrosion. Refer to
a. Tools and Test Equipment.
applicable cleaning and refinishing
(1) Tool Kit, Radio Repair TK-l15/G
practices specified in TM 9-2851.
(2) Multimeter AN/URM-105
(3) I n s p e c t t h e j a c k s , t e r m i n a l s , c o n t r o l s ,
function switch, and knobs for tight-
b. Materials. The following materials are re-
ness. T i g h t e n j a c k s , c o n t r o l - a n d
quired for preventive maintenance:
switch-shaft nuts, and knobs w h e r e
(1) Fine sandpaper (#000).
necessary. Replace any knobs that are
(2) Clean, dry, lint-free cloth (cloth, tex-
broken or missing. Be sure the pro-
tile, lintless, FSN 83051705062, or
tective caps over the CAL. E and CAL.
controls are not corroded, or held in
place by corrosion. Be sure the switch
(3) Cleaning compound (FSN 7390-395-
and control knobs do not rub against
the resolver test set housing.
(4) Small, soft-bristled brush (brush, flat,
(4) I n s p e c t the controls and function
FSN 8020-245-4509, or equivalent).
s w i t c h for binding and scraping.
(5) Friction tape (Tape TL-83/U, FSN
When the resolver test set is in opera-
5970296-3305, or equivalent)..
tion (before using it in the test proce-
(6) Rubber tape (Tape TL-636/U, FSN
dures), tap the controls lightly to
5970-296-1175, or equivalent).
check for cutout due to loose contacts;
be alert for any unusual performance
or condition in operation.
18. Preventive Maintenance
b. Weekly.
a. Daily.
(1) Inspect the test and interconnecting
Warning: Cleaning compound is flammable
cables for breaks, cuts, kinks, deteri-
and its fumes are toxic. Do not use near a
oration, fraying, and strain. Repair
flame; provide adequate ventilation.
minor damage to insulation by cover-
(1) Inspect the resolver test set and filter
ing the damaged area with rubber
housings, cables, and connectors for
tape and then with friction tape.
dirt and moisture. Remove dirt and
(2) Inspect exposed metal surfaces for
moisture with a clean, dry, lint-free
rust and corrosion (a (2) above).
cloth. For stubborn dirt on bare or
(3) I n s p e c t connectors for clean and
painted metal surfaces, moisten the
straight contacts.
cloth used for cleaning with cleaning
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