![]() TM 11-6625-409-12
Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart
Check to see that equipment is complete
Equipment connectors and mating cable Engage cable connectors {fig. 1-2) to the equipment
connectors. ..................................
connectors: check for ease of engagement and snug
fit. Refer all repairs for equipment connectors to
higher category of maintenance.
Publications ......................................
Check to see that all publications pertinent to this
DA Pam 310-4.
equipment are complete, usable, and current. Check
to see that all applicable changes are on hand.
Modification-work orders (MWO's).Check to see that all URGENT MWO's have been
DA Pam 310-4
applied and that all NORMAL MWO's have been
scheduled. Check to see that MWO stencils on the
equipment are legible.
3-12. Visual Inspection
3-14. Replacement of Test Lamps
a. Turn the test lamp lens counterclockwise to
Some causes of equipment failure can be detected by
visual inspection. Equipment troubles that can be
unscrew it from the lamp socket.
b. Press in on the lamp and twist it counter-
remedied by the operator are given below. AU other -
equipment failures should be referred to higher category
clockwise to unlock it from the lamp socket.
of maintenance.
c. Remove the defective lamp; insert a new lamp,
a. Check for incorrect setting of switches and
push in on the lamp, and turn it clockwise to lock it in
b. Check to see that cable assemblies are not
d. Replace the test lamp lens.
disconnected or improperly connected.
c. Check the headset and microphone for loose
Replacement of Radio Set Control 614U-6
d. Check to see that the external ac or dc power
source is operating properly.
a. Loosen the four retaining fasteners on the front
panel by turning each fastener one-quarter turn
Equipment Performance Check
b. Pull the 614U-6 out far enough from the front
Perform the preoperational tests as described in
panel of the MX-3736/ARM-45 to gain access to the
cable assembly connected to the rear of the unit.
trouble occurs, perform a visual check (para 3-12) before
c. Disconnect the cable assembly from the
performing the corrective procedures below. If the
receptable at the rear of the 614U-6 by turning the two
corrective procedures do not clear the trouble, higher
cable connector screws counterclockwise until they are
category of maintenance is required. Note on the repair
disengaged from the receptable; then pull the connector
tag what mode of operation was being used, how the
straight out.
equipment performed, and what corrective action, if any,
d. Plug the cable assembly into the receptable on
was taken.
the rear of the replacement unit.
a. If any one test lamp does not light (as shown in
e. Tighten the cable connector retaining screws.
the chart in paragraph 2-3b or c), replace the defective
f. Carefully push the 614U-6 into the front panel
lamp (para 3-14).
opening of MX-3736/ARM-45. Be careful not to scrape
b. If none of the test lamp light, or the test lamp
or kink the cable assembly.
indications do not agree with those shown in the charts,
g. Secure the 614U-6 by turning the four retaining
replace the remote control unit (para 3-15) with one
fasteners one-quarter turn clockwise.
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