![]() TM 11-6625-409-12
f. Cable No. 5. Cable No. 5 is a 6-inch coaxial
390E-2 of the AN/ARC-73 or AN/ARC-73A being tested.
Depending on the test to be per-formed (para 2-6), cable
cable that is used to connect the MX-3736/ARM-45RF
No. 1 may be connected to the MX-3736/ARM-45 at
INPUT connector to the RF OUTPUT connector when
either test cable receptacle J101-7A or J103-7A.
performing operational checks on the 17L-7A and 51X-
b. Cable No. 1 A. Cable No. 1A is a 7-foot 6-inch,
2B (fig. 2-6). Each end of the cable assembly is
22-conductor cable assembly that is similar to cable No.
equipped with coaxial connectors. Cable No. 5 may
1 in appearance and use (a above), except that during
also be used to connect the MX-3736/ARM-45 to a
operational testing, cable No. 1A may be connected to
signal generator (such as the AN/USM-44) or to a very
the MX-3736/ARM-45 at either test cable receptacle
J102-7A or J104-7A.
c. Cable No. 2. Cable No. 2 is a 7-foot, 6-inch 48-
Additional Equipment Required
conductor cable assembly that is used to connect the
MX-3736/ARM-45 to either the 51X-2B or to the
The following equipment is not supplied as a part of the
51X.2Bsection in Dual Shockmount 390E-2 of the
test set, but is required for use with it.
AN/ARC-73 or AN/ARC-73A. Depending on the test to
be performed (para 2-6), cable No. 2 may be connected
a. Dc Power Supply, 27.5 Volts. A 27.5-volt dc
to the MX-3736/ARM-45 at either test cable receptacle
power supply is required to furnish a maximum of 1.5
J105-2B or J106-2B.
amperes for primary power to the MX-3736/ARM-45.
d. Cable No. 3. Cable No. 3 is a 7-foot, 31/2-inch,
b. Ac Power Supply, 115 Volts. A 115-volt, 400
four-conductor cable assembly that is used to connect
cps, single-phase ac power supply is required to furnish
the MX-3736/ARM-45 to an external 27.5-volt dc, or 115-
a minimum of 2 amperes to the MX-3736/ARM-45 when
volt, 400-cycle per second (cps) alternating current (ac)
the AN/ARC-73 or AN/ARC-73A to be tested is equipped
power source. A plug on one end of cable No. 3
with ac power supply modules.
connects to the MX-3736/ARM-45 at test cable
c. Microphone.
receptacle J107; the opposite end of cable No. 3 is
microphone is required to key and modulate the 17L-7A
equipped with four spring clips to facilitate connection to
being tested.
the external power source.
d. Headset. A headset (Headset HS-23, Headset
e. Cable No. 4. Cable No. 4 is a 7-foot, 6-inch,
HS-33, or equivalent) is required to monitor 51X-2B
coaxial cable that is used to connect the MX-3736/ARM-
output and 17L-7A sidetone during testing.
e. Wattmeter AN/URM-43. Wattmeter AN/URM-
The coaxial connector on one end of cable No. 4
43A is required when the test set is to be used during
connects to the MX3736/ARM-45 at test cable receptacle
prolonged or extensive test procedures. The AN/URM-
J109; the coaxial connector on the opposite end of cable
43 may be used in-stead of the meter located on the
No. 4 connects to the coaxial connector on the external
front panel of the MX-3736/ARM-45 to provide a more
dummy load, wattmeter, or antenna.
accurate means of measuring rf power output.
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