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TM 11-6625-409-12
g. Operate the 27.5 VOLTS DC switch to ON;
2-6. Types of Operation.
operate the 27.5 VDC-DC ADJUST switch to 27.5 VDC.
h. The test-lamps on the front panel of the
a. Test Set,, Radio AN/ARM-45(*), may be used
MX3736/ARM-45 should light as indicated in the chart
either to test the wiring and control circuits of Radio Sets
(para 2-3 b (6) and (7)) for the frequency set on the
AN/ARC-73 and AN/ARC-73A within the aircraft or to
aircraft transmitter remote control unit.
perform operational tests of Transmitter 17L-7A and
Receiver 51X-2B at the maintenance bench. Detailed
instructions covering the operation and connection of the
The setting of the megacycle and kilocycle
AN/ARM-45(*) during testing of the AN/ARC-73 and
controls on the MX-3736/ARM-45 remote
AN/ARC-73A components are given in other technical
control unit will not affect the test lamp
indications during the test.
b. For any type of operation, perform the following
i.  Check the aircraft transmitter remote control unit
and the associated aircraft wiring by operating the
(1)  Preoperational tests (para 2-3).
remote control unit megacycle and kilocycle controls
(2)  Connecting and control setting procedures
through the frequency ranges given in the chart. Check
for the desired type of operation (para 2-7, 2-8, or 2-9).
for the proper test-lamp indication.
j.  Check the operation of the aircraft vhf control
(3)  Stopping procedures (para. 2-10).
circuit by connecting a microphone to the microphone
jack in the aircraft and pressing the push-to-talk switch.
Testing Transmitter Remote Control Unit
The MIC KEY test lamp on the MX-3736/ARM-45 should
and Associated Wiring in Aircraft.
k.  Disconnect cables No. 1 and No. 1A from the
MX-3736/ARM-45 and from the shockmount. Replace
The following procedures describe typical methods for
the 17L-7A in the shockmount (TM 11-5821-217-12). If
using the AN/ARM-45(*) to test the transmitter -control
no additional tests are to be performed, disconnect cable
circuit wiring within the aircraft.
No. 2 and store all cables in the case. Close and latch
a. Unlatch and remove the case cover on the MX-
the case cover.
3736/ARIM-45. Remove cables No. 1, No. 1A, and No.
3 from the case storage compartment. Raise the covers
Testing Receiver Remote Control Unit and
on the test cable receptacles (fig. 2-4).
Associated Wiring in Aircraft.
b. At the AIRCRAFT TEST VHF XMTR 17L-7A test
cable receptacles, connect one end of cable No. 1 to
The following describes typical procedures for using the
XMTR PLUG TOP receptacle J-103-7A; connect one
AN/ARM-45 to test the receiver control circuit wiring
end of cable No.
within the aircraft.
receptacle J-104-7A.
a. Unlatch and remove the MX-3736/ARM-45 case
c.  Remove  transmitter  17L-7A  from   Dual
cover. Remove cable No. 2 and cable No. 3 from the
Shockmount 390E-2 in the aircraft (TM 11-5821-217-12).
case storage compartment. Raise the covers on the test
Connect the other end of cable No.  1 to the top
cable receptacles (fig. 2-4).
receptacle at the rear of the shockmount; connect the
b. Connect one end of cable No. 2 to ACFT TEST
other end of cable No. 1A to the bottom receptacle at
VHF RCVR 51X-2B receptacle J-106-2B.
the rear of the shockmount.
c.  Remove Receiver 51X-2B from Dual Shock-
d. If 27.5 volts dc is available within the aircraft,
mount 390E-2 (TM 11-5821-217-12). Connect the other
operate the EXT POWER-SHIP POWER switch on the
end of cable No. 2 to the receptacle at the rear of the
MX-3736/ARM-45 to SHIP POWER and continue with
the instructions given in g below.
d. Connect the MX-3736/ARM-45 to the source of
e. If 27.5 volts dc is not available within the aircraft,
27.5-volt dc power as described in paragraph 2-7d or e,
connect the connector end of cable No. 3 to AC DC
as applicable.
POWER receptacle J-107. Connect the red and black
e. Operate the EXT POWER-SHIP POWER switch
clip leads on the other end of the cable to the positive
to the appropriate position.
and negative terminals, respectively, of an external 27.5-
f.  Operate the 27.5 VOLTS DC switch to ON;
volt dc power source. Observe proper polarity.
f.  Operate the EXT POWER-SHIP POWER 3witch
operate the 27.5 VDC-DC ADJUST switch to 27.5 VDC.
g. The test lamps on the front panel of the MX-
3736/ARM-45  should  light  as  indicated  in  the

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