TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
7. Insert circuit card 1A2A1 and circuit card
To replace the power/STOP switches, only the
1A2A4 in the card guides to adjust card guide
left-center card guide panel (12) is to be removed.
See Figure 5-2, Power/STOP Switch Assembly.
8. Align the card guide frame so that the circuit
6. Remove the left-center card guide panel (12)
card slides into the guide evenly and does not
by removing 2 attaching screws located on the top
and 2 attaching screws located on the bottom.
Remove 2 attaching screws and washers on the
9. Tighten the top and bottom attaching frame
side of the card guide panel. (See Figure 5-2,
Power/STOP Switch Assembly, for attaching
hardware location.)
10. Slide the top and bottom card frame panels
into place. The panels slide into the side panels
7. The card guide frame can now be removed,
from the rear of the frame assembly. (See Figure
gaining access to the three switches.
8. Unsolder the wires from the defective switch.
11. Install 3 attaching screws on the back of
(Label the wires for installation reference.)
each panel.
9. Remove the lamp cover and lamp shield
12. Replace the dust cover assembly using 4
from the front of the switch. (See paragraph 5-13.
attaching screws along the front edge of the hinge
Power and STOP Switch Lamp Removal.)
bracket. (See Figure FO-14 for attaching hard-
10. Remove the large hex nut (4) on the front
of the switch assembly. The defective switch as-
13. Replace the six circuit cards. (See para-
sembly can now be removed from the rear of the
attaching frame.
14. Replace Power Supply Assembly, following
(Transport Power, System Power, STOP
the procedure in paragraph 5-16, Power Supply
1. Insert the switch assembly from the back
side of the mounting frame. (See Figure 5-2,
Power/STOP Switch Assembly.)
1. Remove Power Supply Assembly. (See par-
2. Install the large hex nut (4) from the front
side of the mounting frame.
2. Remove the top card frame panel by re-
3. Install the switch lamp cover (2) and shield
moving 3 attaching screws at the rear of the panel.
(3). (See paragraph 5-14, Power and STOP
The panel will then slide back out of the side chan-
Switch Lamp Replacement.)
nels. (See Figure FO-16 for attaching hardware. )
4. Attach the wires on the switch terminals.
3. Remove the dust cover assembly by remov-
ing 4 screws along the front edge hinge bracket.
5. Relate the card guide frame and attach with
2 top screws and 2 bottom screws. (See Figure
4. Remove the bottom card frame panel by re-
moving 3 attaching screws at the rear of the panel.
The panel will then slide back out of the side chan-
Do not tighten screws securely until
5. Remove 2 attaching screws, lock washers
alignment of card guide is made.
and flat washers, to remove the connector assem-
bly cover (1). (See Figure 5-4, Connector Panel
6. Install 2 side screws in the side of the card
Assembly, for assembly location and attaching
guide frame.
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