![]() TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
The Write Data Circuit Card receives the write
data and adds the CRC WORD and shifted ones
when requested, and issues eight bits of parallel
This section provides an overall functional de-
data and parity bit to the transport.
scription of the Exerciser. The interrelationship of
the system's major components is discussed first,
The Data Control Select Circuit Card responds
followed by a more detailed functional description
to the data control switches on the front panel. The
of each major circuit.
selection of data is reported to the processor.
When the transport is in motion, the processor
provides commands to the data control select
(See Figure FO-2)
circuits that prevent selection of new data until
transport motion has stopped.
The Exerciser provides write data and control
functions to the ECR-10 Transport for bench test
The Transport Status circuits receive status
operations. The Exerciser also receives the read
information from the transport to illuminate
data from the transport and checks the data for
indicators on the front panel. The Transport status
VRC (parity) and LRC errors. The Processor Cir-
information is also reported to the processor as
cuit Card controls the manipulation of data within
interrupt status.
the Exerciser, the generation of data, the record-
ing and testing of data from the transport and the
The Read Data circuits receive the reproduced
motion control of the transport.
data (READ DATA) from the transport. The data is
processed through an LRC check and a parity
The Processor Circuit Card circuits contain
check (VRC). The errors are accumulated and
programs in memory that respond to selected
displayed on two-digit LED displays. All errors are
switches on the front panel of the Exerciser. The
reported to the processor as an interrupt status.
processor also controls the timing for generation of
WRITE DATA. All commands from the motion
4-3. PROCESSOR (Circuit Card 1A2A3)
control switches on the front panel are issued to the
(See Figure FO-3)
processor. The processor performs timed routines
to check status of the transport before issuing the
The Processor Circuit Card contains the con-
motion control commands. The processor also
trolling circuits for the Exerciser. The processor
receives inputs from the data control switches and
uses a Signetics 2650 microprocessor as the cen-
then produces the appropriate control signals to
tral controller. (See Figure 4-1, Processor Block
generate the selected write data. All commands for
Diagram.) A basic understanding of microproces-
the writing and reading of data and motion
sors is required for a complete understanding of
selection for the transport communicate through
the Processor Circuit Card.
the processor.
The 2650 microprocessor is a general purpose,
The Clock and Format Generator Circuit Card
single chip, parallel 8-bit binary processor. The
generates the clock rate pulses for the system. It
processor performs data manipulations through
also establishes the timing for the generation of
execution of a stored sequence of machine
WRITE DATA and CRC WORD. The generator
instructions. The processor closely resembles
reports the timing sequence of the write data to the
conventional binary computers.
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