![]() TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
The R/W (Read/Write) output from the
The DATA BUSS forms an 8-bit hi-directional
microprocessor is the operation control signal that
data path in and out of the microprocessor. The
defines external operations. R/W is an input to the
direction of the data flow on the DATA BUSS is
function decoder for selection of input or output
indicated by the state of the R/W line. For write
t h e output b u f f e r s i n t h e
microprocessor output the data to the DATA
The WRITE PULSE (WRP) output from the
BUSS. For read operations, the buffers are
microprocessor is a timing signal that provides a
disabled and the data condition of the DATA BUSS
is sensed by the microprocessor. The signals on
positive-going pulse in the middle of each
requested write operation, and a continuous high
the DATA BUSS are true signals, i.e., a one is a
level during read operations. WRP is used to
high level and a zero is a low level. See Figure
enable the Function Decoder for the selected
The ADDRESS BUSS is a 12-bit path out of the
The SENSE line (Status Input) is an in-
microprocessor and is used primarily to supply
memory address during memory operation. The
dependent input from the DATA BUSS that
receives single bit data from the Status Input port.
addresses remain valid as long as OPREQ
(Operation Request) is true (high).
The FLAG line (Data Out) provides a single bit
The OPREQ output from the microprocessor is
output to the selected output port.
the coordinating signal for the Function Decoder
1K ROM memory contains all the required
routines for the microprocessor. The ROM is
The INTREQ (Interrupt Request) input to the
addressed by the microprocessor and outputs its
data on the DATA BUSS. The Function Decoder
microprocessor is a means to change the flow of
enables one of four Output Latches for receipt of
program execution. When an INTREQ is received,
DATA BUSS information. One of the Output
the current instruction is completed before the
Latches transfers the data to the l/O ADDRESS
interrupt is serviced. When the microprocessor is
BUSS. Data on the I/O ADDRESS BUSS is used to
ready to accept the interrupt, it sets the INTACK
address one of the I/O ports. The microprocessor
(Interrupt Acknowledge) output to high. The
then outputs a data bit on the FLAG line. The FLAG
INTACK output is used by the microprocessor to
line data bit is outputed on the addressed I/O port.
respond to the interrupt. The INTACK is used to
When input status is requested, the l/O ADDRESS
enable tri-state buffers on the DATA BUSS,
BUSS selects one of 16 status input lines to be
providing a b o o t strap address to the
inputed on the SENSE line.
The MEMORY/IO output from the micro-
Memory Data on the DATA BUSS is also applied
processor is one of the operation control signals
to output latches that provide control data directly
that defines external operations. M/IO which indi-
to the Exerciser circuits or the transport.
cates whether an operation is memory or I/O is
used to gate the Function Decoder.
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