TM 11-6625-2937-13
result in a variance in the tester calculated sum of the
Digital Tester Functioning
output pin counts. This count variance can be quickly
The digital tester operates on the transition count
traced to the defective component through the use of the
concept and provides more than 700 unique logic
count readout provided on the tester. For a functional
patterns for output to the module under test. In this
description of the digital tester refer to TM 11-6625-2951-
system, each input pin of a module under test is driven
by a logic pattern that differs in pulse repetition rate, duty
cycle and polarity. The program card controls the logic
Analog Test Adapter Functioning
pattern of these stimulus signals. The module under test
is automatically exercised by up to 40 million test words
The analog test adapter is basically a breakout box that
which are applied at rates up to 4 million words per
is used at depot maintenance to gain access to module
second. These logic inputs result in an exact and
connector pins of an analog circuit card under test. It
repeatable number of logic transitions at each output pin
consists primarily of a power switch, signal generator
and at each internal node. Transition counts, which can
connectors, input power jacks, signal input switches,
be verified through fault simulator techniques provide an
power input ports and a circuit card connector. The
curate means of testing and troubleshooting a module
circuit card connector provides fan out to the 90 jacks on
under test Any fault on the digital assembly will
the panel of the analog test adapter (fig. 2-5). Controls
and monitor points are delineated in table 2-3.
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