![]() TM 11-5895-1096-40
to figure 3-8 and replace the defective binding post as follows.
3-16. Parts Replacement
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
a. Toggle Switch SI, S2, S3 Replacement. Refer to
(2) Unsolder lead.
(3) Remove nut (17), insulator (18), and defective
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
binding post (19).
(2) Tag and unsolder all leads.
(4) Install new binding post (19) into panel. (3).
(3) Remove nut (1), then remove defective switch
(5) Install insulator (18), nut (17), and tighten.
(2) from panel (3).
(6) Solder lead to binding post.
(4) Install new switch (2) into panel.
(7) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
(5) Install nut (1) and tighten.
g. Mixer Circuit Card Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8
(6) Solder all leads to new switch.
and replace the defective circuit card as follows.
(7) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
b. Indicator Assembly Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8 and
(2) Remove two nuts (10) from connectors J5, J6
replace the defective indicator assembly as follows.
(11) and allow nuts to fall down leads.
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
(3) Unsolder leads J5, J6, main circuit card, and
(2) Tag and unsolder all leads.
remove circuit card (20).
(3) Remove lens cap (4) and bulb (5).
(4) Retrieve two nuts (10) from leads.
(4) Remove nut (6) and defective indicator
(5) Install two nuts (1) over leads.
assembly (7).
(6) Install circuit card (20) by engaging leads to
(5) Install new indicator assembly (7) into panel
connectors J5 and J6 (11), aline with main
circuit card tiepoints and solder all
(6) Install nut (6) and tighten.
(7) Solder all leads to new indicator assembly.
(7) Install two nuts (10) on connectors J5 and J6
(8) Install bulb (5),and lens cap (4).
(11), and tighten.
(9) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
(8) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
c. Fuse Assembly Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8 and
h. Main Circuit Card Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8
replace the defective fuse assembly as follows.
and replace the circuit card as follows.
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
(2) Tag and unsolder all leads.
(2) Tag and unsolder all leads to circuit card.
(3) Remove nut (8), and lift fuse assembly (9)
(3) Remove two nuts (21), lockwashers (22), flat
from panel (3).
washers (23), and screws (24) securing circuit
(4) Install new fuse assembly (9) into panel. (3).
card to holding bracket (25).
(5) Install nut (8) and tighten.
(4) Unsolder tiepoints to mixer card (20), and
(6) Solder all leads to new fuse assembly.
remove main printed circuit card (26).
(7) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
(5) Install circuit card (26), aline with holding
d. Connector J4, JS, J6 Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8
brackets (25).
and replace the defective connector as follows.
(6) Install two screws (24), flat washers (23),
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
lockshers (22), nuts (21), and tighten.
(2) Unsolder leads.
(7) Solder tiepoints to mixer circuit card (20).
(3) Remove nut (10), and lift defective connector
3-17. Circuit Card Repairs
(11) from panel (3).
a. Remove defective part by cutting leads as close as
(4) Install new connector (11) into panel. (3).
possible between part and circuit card mounting holes.
(5) Install nut (10) and tighten.
b. Remove any epoxy coating around lead connections
(6) Solder all leads to new connector.
on the cards printed wiring side.
(7) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
c. Heat printed wiring at mounting holes with iron until
e. Transformer TI Replacement. Refer to figure 3-8 and
solder melts.
replace the defective transformer as follows.
d. Remove excess solder and remaining pieces of
(1) Disassemble test set (para 3-15).
(2) Tag and unsolder all leads.
e. Bend the leads of replacement part to fit mounting
(3) Remove four nuts (12), lockwashers (13), flat
washers (14), screws (15) and defective
f. Insert leads through mounting holes from parts side
transformer (16).
of circuit card.
(4) Aline new transformer (16) on panel (3).
g. Press part firmly against card.
(5) Install four screws (15), flat washers (14),
h. On circuit card wiring side, cut leads leaving 1/8 inch
lockwashers (13), nuts (12), and tighten.
(6) Solder all leads to new transformer.
i. Bend and press the leads against the printed wi ring.
(7) Reassemble test set (para 3-19).
j. Quickly solder leads to printed wiring conductor
f. + 6, + 12, GND Binding Post Replacement. Refer
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