![]() TM 11-5995-1097-40
are toxic. Provide adequate ventilation
3-11. General
This section contains preliminary inspection, cleaning,
and avoid prolonged breathing of vapors.
disassembly and repairs, and repainting and refinishing
DO NOT use near flames or extreme heat.
instructions. After repairs or replacement have been made to
Since cleaning compound dissolves
components of the test set, it should be ready for return to
natural oils, avoid prolonged contact with
service. To verify its condition, conduct the operational checks
skin. If compound it taken internally,
described in TM 115895109712 and the test procedures in
consult a physician immediately.
section V.
(2) Remove ground-in dirt or grease using a lint-
3-12. Inspection
free cloth dampened (not wet) with cleaning compound.
Preliminary maintenance on the test set consists of inspection
(3) Rinse cleaned areas with clean water and
upon receipt; and cleaning (para 3-13) if required.
allow to dry.
a. Inspection. Inspection is the evaluation of a
b. Interior Surfaces.
repairable item to determine the extent of repair, modification,
or replacement necessary to make the item completely
Compressed air is dangerous and can
serviceable. Inspection includes, but is not limited to the
cause bodily harm. Compressed air shall
not be used for cleaning purposes except
(1) A check of maintenance forms and records
when reduced to less than 29 pounds per
attached to the equipment.
square inch (psi); and then only with
(2) A check of DA Pam 310-1 for any modification
protective equipment to prevent chips or
work order (MWO) pertaining to the test set.
particles from entering the eyes or
(3) A visual inspection of the test set for
breaking the skin of the operator or other
compliance with all MWO's.
(4) A listing of outstanding MWO's on DA Form
Air jet can damage delicate components.
b. Visual Inspection.
(1) Exterior surface. Inspect exterior surfaces for
Be careful NOT to place air jet too close
obvious signs of damage. Check metal surfaces for signs of
to small coils or delicate components.
rust and corrosion.
(2) Controls and indicators. Inspect controls for
When necessary to disturb the position of
smooth operation and alinement of position. Check to see that
wiring and harness assemblies for
indicator assembly is intact and complete.
cleaning purposes, always replace them
(3) Wiring. Inspect wiring for breaks, cuts, or worn
to their original position after cleaning.
(1) Remove dust, dirt, and foreign matter from all
(4) Connectors. Inspect connectors for damage
surfaces, components, and wiring using air jet and soft bristled
such as bent pins and dented or deformed casings.
(5) Include all results of the visual inspection on
(2) Remove dust from connector holes and
maintenance forms or work tag.
recesses using air jet and soft bristled brush.
3-13. Cleaning
Be careful when using lint-free cloth to
Do not perform needless disassembly of
wipe cleaning compound from resistors,
equipment for the purpose of cleaning.
as marking colors may be removed.
Clean the equipment only to the extent
(3) Wipe interior surfaces using lint-free cloth
required for serviceability.
dampened (not wet) with cleaning compound.
a. Exterior Surfaces.
(4) Dry surfaces immediately with lint-free cloth.
(1) Remove loose dirt or dust from outside
(5) Wipe dust and dirt from casings, pins and
surfaces of case and front panel using lint-free cloth and/or
cable clamps using lint-free cloth dampened (not wet) with
soft bristled brush.
cleaning compound.
(6) Dry surfaces immediately with lint-free cloth.
Cleaning compound is flammable and its
3-14. General Repair Procedures
The subassemblies and parts in the test set can be easily
reached and replaced without the use of special tools. When
replacing parts, observe the precautions listed below.
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