TM 9-4931-378-13&P
Hz). The AADS reference signal is also converted to a de
two differential input receivers which condition data ready
peak level called the reference oscillator peak signal, A
and data inputs. Setting SELF TEST switch S5 on the front
single regulator and two buffer amplifiers produce the pre-
panel to SELF TEST inhibits the data clock and data trans-
cision +10 Vdc and -10 Vdc which can be monitored exter-
mit request outputs of CCA 1A2.
nally. The precision voltages are applied to divider networks
selected by front panel switches S7, S17 and S18. The pre-
h. Buffer and Oscillator CCA 1A3. The inputs to
cision voltages selected by the front panel switches are
CCA 1A3 consist of 5 Vdc, 15 Vdc, -15 Vdc and the re-
buffered on CCA 1A3. A precision resistance network,
solver signal. The ac resolver signal is converted to a dc peak
selected by front panel switch S6, provides simulated tem-
level called the resolver peak signal. An adjustable oscillator
perature inputs to the EPU.
circuit generates the AADS reference signal (380 to 420
the test set, perform the following steps.
a. Open 8 cover latches (7).
b. Open cover (1) fully.
The resolver wires are fragile. Care must
c. Slide cover (1) sideways until hinge (2) and hinge
be taken to avoid damage to the wires
pins (3} disengage,
when handling the resolver.
Separate cover (1) from test set container (6).
Open storage compartment in cover (1) by releas-
Unsolder each resolver wire from
ing three button latches (8).
terminal block TB1 (77) and label
Remove cables, pneumatic tubing, pneumatic kit
for later identification.
and checking fixture from storage compartment in
Support resolver (30), loosen three
screws (28) and turn mounting
test set cover (1).
Remove twelve screws (5) that secure panel/chassis
clamps (26) until resolver (30) is
assembly (4) in enclosure (6).
Lift panel/chassis assembly (4) out of enclosure
(6) and place in upright position.
screws (32).
Remove each circuit card assembly 1A1 through
Support dual-speed drive (24) and
1A4 (1, figure 6-3) as follows:
both upper mounting
(1) Loosen the screws (2) in both wedge
clamps on the appropriate circuit card
Move dual-speed drive (24) and
mounting ring (29) away from
assembly until clamps are loose.
front panel (22).
(2) Carefully extract the circuit card assem-
(2) R e m o v a l o f I n d i c a t o r L a m p .
bly (1) from the card rack assembly (3).
indicator lamp (2) as follows:
Remove lamp retainer (33).
(b) Extract lamp cartridge (34) from
assemble the panel/chassis perform the procedures outlined
Iampholder (35).
in paragraphs a and b.
(c) Unsolder each wire from lamp
Removal of Front Panel Mounted Components.
holder (35) and label for later
Remove front panel mounted components by per-
forming the following procedures:
(1) Removal of Dual-Speed Drive and Re-
(d) Remove retaining nut (37) and
sober. Remove dual-speed drive and re-
washer (36).
(e) Move lampholder (35) free of front
solver (1, figure 6-4) as follows:
Loosen two rear set screws (31).
panel (22).
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