![]() TM 55-4920-430-13
(5) Disconnect the jumper.
Make sure the peak voltage applied to receptacle pin J3-E does not
exceed 10 volts. Damage to circuit card A2will occur.
(6) Connect the ac power supply to the phase reference input of the function generator, using
signal test aid (fig. 4-10). Connect the 50-ohms output jack to the dual trace oscilloscope and digital
multimeter and across receptacle pins J3-E (line) and J3-AA.
q When a test includes a requirement that an ac voltage be in-phase
or out-of-phase, oscilloscope channel A must be connected across
the digital multimeter. Oscilloscope channel B must be connected
to the ac source and the oscilloscope externally triggered from the
ac source.
(7) Adjust the signal test aid and function generator for a +90 leading quadrature of 2.5 volts
rms on the oscilloscope and digital multi meter and across receptacle pins J3-E (line) and J3-AA. Con-
nect the `oscilloscope and second multi meter across receptacle pins J3-e (line) and J3-AA. The output
signal shall be 4.5 to 5.5 volts rms in-phase.
(8) Increase the input signal to 4.0 volts rms. The output signal shall be increased to 6.1 to 6.8
volts rms on the second multimeter.
(9) Adjust the function generator for a -90 lagging quadrature signal of 2.5 volts rms on the os-
cilloscope and digital multi meter. The output signal shall be 4.5 to 5.5 volts rms on the second mul-
(10) Increase the input signal to 4.0 volts rms. The output signal shall increase to 6.1 to 6.8 volts
rms on the second multi meter.
(11) Adjust the function generator to apply a +22.5 leading quadrature input step signal of 2.5
volts rms on the oscilloscope and digital multi meter. Within 0.1 second, the output signal shall rise to
2.52 to 3.79 volts rms on the second multi meter.
(12) Set the CCDA switch to GND. Set the CCDA DEMOD switch to 1. The output signal shall be
less than 10 mvac on the second multimeter.
the appropriate position signal in response to a drive signal.
a. Resistance Test.
(1) Set the TESTER POWER 115V 400Hz switch S1 to OFF.
(2) Measure resistance between receptacle pins J3-JJ and J3-HH. Use the multimeter set to
2KOHM range. The multimeter shall indicate 270 to 330 ohms.
(3) Disconnect multimeter.
(1) Set TESTER POWER 115V 400Hz switch S1 to ON.
(2) Set digital multimeter range and function switches, as appropriate for making the following
voltage measurements.
(3) Connect dc power supply leads to receptacle pins and apply voltage as indicated below.
Measure voltage between receptacle pins as follows.
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