![]() TM 5-6625-2691-13&P
If equipment fails to operate, refer to
troubleshooting procedures in Chapter
2-1. General
(2.4 meters). This is the preferred device which is avail-
able in the Army supply system.
a. The instructions in this section are published for
the information and guidance of the personnel respon-
(b) Drive aground pipe, inch (1.9 centimeters),
sible for the operation of the test set.
copper or steel, to a depth of at least 8 feet (2.4 m). An
existing underground pipe may be used in an emergen-
b. The operator must know how to perform every
operation of the test set. This section gives instructions
on the various controls and instruments, starting and
(c) Bury a inch thick (.6 cm) iron or steel plate,
stopping the test set and detailed operating instruc-
approximately 18 x 18 inch (45.7 x 45.7 cm) size, with
tions. Installation or setting-up instructions are also in-
ground cable attached, to a depth of at least 4 feet (1.2
eluded. Since nearly every job presents a different
problem, the operator may have to vary the given pro-
(d) Bury a
inch thick (.2 cm) aluminum or
cedures to fit the individual job.
copper plate approximately 18x18 inch (45.7 x 45.7 cm)
size, with ground cable attached, to a depth of at least 4
feet (1.2 m).
(e) Position a inch thick (.6 cm) iron or steel
There are no separately packed components with the
plate, or
inch thick (.2 cm) aluminum or copper
test set; it is shipped complete.
plate, approximately 18 x 18 inch size, on the hard
ground or bedrock beneath the trailer stand, or roll the
a. Location The unit must be located in an area with
wheel of a trailer or truck until it comes to rest on top
sufficient air circulation and space so that proper ven-
of the grounding plate.
tilation can be achieved.
(f) Saturate the area around the grounding
b. Outdoor Installation. Measures for weather pro-
device with water to increase conductivity.
tection should be taken by the operating agency, de-
(2) Ground cables should be copper. Braided cable
pending on the climate. It is recommended that all
is best, but No. 6 AWG gage (or larger) copper wire will
doors be closed when not in use.
c. Indoor Installation. It is recommended that the
(3) Connect the ground cable from the grounding
unit be set up in an area with sufficient ventilation
device to the generator set frame ground stud (fig. 1-3)
which is free of oil contaminants or corrosive at-
and tighten the nut securely.
mospheres. Keep clear of hazardous electrical connec-
tions or foreign wires. The test set should be set up in
Do not rely on ground or safety devices
level position.
to prevent accidents. Electrical cir-
d. Grounding
cuits and equipment are potentially
hazardous. Personnel should always
Generator sets shall be grounded in
exercise caution to prevent injury or
order to prevent shock due to defective
possible death due to electrical shock.
insulation, or external electrical
faults. Poor grounding can endanger
Located on the control panel (fig. 2-1) are a master
personnel, may damage equipment,
switch, four load switches, voltage selector switch and
and can create interference in com-
a variable load control. They provide all the necessary
munication or electronic circuits.
controls for proper operation of the unit. The purpose of
(1) Install one of the following items as a ground-
ing device:
the controls and normal adjustments are illustrated in
(a) Drive a ground rod to depth of at least 8 feet
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