![]() TM 5-6625-2691-13&P
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
priorities will be used in the destruction of essential
This manual is for your use in operating and main-
(a) Control panel assembly.
taining the electrical test set (load bank).
(b) Power absorbers.
(c) Variable transformer.
Maintenance forms and records that you are re-
(d) Contactor.
quired to use are as follows:
(e) Rectifier.
a. DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Mainte-
(j) Frame.
nance Worksheet).
b. Demolition to Render the Equipment Inoperative.
b. DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request Used for Re-
Use sledge hammers, crowbars, picks, axes or any other
questing Support Maintenance).
heavy tools which are available to destroy the unit.
c. DA Form 2407-1 (Continuation Sheet Used for Re-
c. Demolition by Explosive or Weapons Fire.
questing Support Maintenance).
d. For further information, refer to TM 38-750, The
in the interior of the unit and detonate simultaneously.
Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
(2) Weapons fare. Fire on the test set with the
heaviest practical weapons available.
d. Other Demolition Methods.
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
(1) Scattering and concealment. Remove all easily
accessible parts and scatter them through dense
1-4. Destruction of Army Material to Pre-
foliage, bury them in the ground or submerge them in a
vent Enemy Use
lake, stream, or other body of water.
a. General
(2) Burning. Pack rags, clothing, or canvas inside,
(1) When capture or abandonment of the test set to
under and around the test set. Saturate this packing
an enemy is imminent, the responsible unit com-
with gasoline, oil or diesel fuel and ignite it.
mander must make the decision either to destroy the
(3) Submersion. Totally submerge the equipment
equipment or render it inoperative. Based on the deci-
in a deep body of water to provide water damage and
sion, orders are issued which cover the desired extent of
concealment. Salt water does greater damage to metal
destruction. Whatever method of demolition is
parts than fresh water.
employed, it is essential to destroy the same vital parts
(4) For further information, refer to TM 750-244-3,
of all test sets and all corresponding spare parts.
(2) When the lack of time or personnel prevents
Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent
complete destruction of the equipment, the following
Enemy Use.
1-5. Description
sting equipment. This is accomplished by applying
a. General. The electrical test set, either Model
various combinations of the resistive load incre-
A427 or Model A427B, is a portable, skid mounted
ments to simulate any output load. The load bank
resistive load unit. It is a completely self-contained
is designed to test the output characteristics of
generating plants rated at 120/208 and 240/416
unit mounted within a weather resistant enclosure.
Models A427 and A427B are electrically, operation-
volts, three phase, 4 wire; 120 or 240 volts single
ally and functionally identical to each other. Phys-
phase, 2 wire. The load bank can operate at fre-
ically, the overall envelop of the two models differ
quencies between 50 and 100 cycles per second.
only to the extent that Model A427B is provided
Input power terminals are supplied for connection
with specially designed skids and hand lifting bars.
of-power cables. Power cables are not supplied with
Model A427B stands 5" taller than Model A427
the equipment. The load bank can apply 0.5 to 3
for this reason. Many of the internal components
kilowatts variable load and 3, 6, 9, 12 KW fixed
are different and not physically interchangeable.
loads. When fixed and variable loads are applied in
The electrical test set, either
b. Capabilities.
combination, the load bank can supply any load
Model A427 (fig. l-l) or Model A427B, operates
from 0.5 to 33 kilowatts on either single or bal-
aas a loading and testing device for electrical gener-
anced three phase operation.
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