NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-1/E121 DT-545
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-6
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. (cont)
a. (cont)
b. If meter indicates more than 2 ohms on either
pair of wires, locate and repair broken wire.
c. To repair broken grid wire, remove cover-
ing as necessary to locate break. Clean
coating 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) from ends of
broken wire and piece of wire to be used
as patch. Use crimp lugs to splice new
piece of wire to grid wire. Install cover-
ing as necessary.
b. Terminal jumper
Visually inspect jumper links. Ensure
links installed
that there are jumper links from TB1-2
incorrectly or
to TB1-3 and from TB1-4 to TB1-5.
c. Bad tamper alarm
a. Disconnect wire between TB1-6 and con-
switch (TAS).
duit entrance hole from TB1-6. Set multi-
meter to ohms and connect leads to TB1-5
and 6. Use a straightedge across chassis to
depress TAS plunger. Meter should indi-
raise the straightedge. After the plunger
moves 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) or less, the
meter should indicate over 100, 000 ohms.
b. If the TAS checks bad, replace it.
(1) To remove TAS, remove nut and lock
washer. Push TAS down through
mounting bracket. Depress the TAS
plunger, if necessary, to clear the
iron of 50 watts maximum to remove
wires from switch terminals.
ohms and check switch terminals.
Meter should indicate 0 ohms with
switch depressed and infinity with
of 50 watts maximum to solder wires
to new switch. Insert switch through
hole in mounting bracket. Depress
switch plunger, if necessary. Secure
switch in place with lock washer and