TM 11-6760-238-34
3-11. Direct Support Repair Procedures
3-12. Liquid Staking
Liquid staking (Glyptal 1201 F) is a paste that is applied
to machine screws, adjustments, nuts, and other
Acetone is toxic and flammable, use
fasteners to lock them in place.
only in small quantities in a well
a. Grade. Liquid staking grade 4 (Glyptal 1201 F,
ventilated area. Do not breathe vapors
manufactured by General Electric Co., Schenectady,
or allow liquid to contact the skin. Do
New York) is the only grade used in the shutter test set.
not use in the presence of open flame or
b. Application Before it hardens, liquid staking can
be applied as follows.
a. To remove or loosen liquid staked parts,
(1) Using a brush, apply liquid staking to the
carefully scrape away any visible staking compound first,
screw threads. Remove excess liquid staking.
then attempt to loosen part. If necessary, apply heat to
(2) If the screw is placed in a blind hole,
the screw using a solderinng iron; heat only the staked
reverse the rotation occasionally to allow trapped air to
part. If heat fails, apply small quantities of acetone,
Federal Specification O-A-51, directly to the area with
(3) If necessary to thin liquid staking, use
small brush. Remove acetone as soon as possible. To
Glyptal 1500 Thinner (manufactured by General Electric
apply liquid staking, refer to paragraph 3-12.
Co., Schenectady, New'/ork).
b. Use a pencil type soldering iron with a 25-watt
(4) Approximately 12 hours curing time is
maximum capacity. This equipment is transistorized. If
required. Heat, not exceeding 2120 F for three to five
the iron must be used with ac, use an isolating
hours, may be used to accelerate curing.
soldering gun near the transistorzed assemblies;
damaging voltages may be induced in the circuit
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