C2, TM 11-6625-646-15
c. Set the 115V 400 ~ POWER switch to on (up)
The YAW AXIS meter may indicate off
Allow 15 minutes for warmup.
FUNCTION meter should indicate no more than 1 scale
scale (hardover). Allow 30 seconds
for the circuits to stabilize.
d. Hold the CARD TEST SIGNAL switch at L. The
(10) Check that the YAW AXIS meter indicates
FUNCTION meter should indicate between +8 and +15.
0 1 scale division. If it does not, adjust resistor R609
e. Hold the CARD TEST SIGNAL switch to R. The
FUNCTION meter should indicate between -8 and - 15.
f. Release the CARD TEST SIGNAL switch.
(11) Adjust the test setup variable resistor until
g. Disconnect the jumper.
the dc voltmeter indicates 0.1 volt. The YAW AXIS
h. If any indication is not as specified, take
meter should indicate a minimum of -1 volt. The vtvm
corrective action and repeat the applicable steps.
should indicate a minimum of 1 volt.
(12) Adjust the test setup variable resistor until
7-10. External AMPLIFIER CARD TESTER Circuit
the dc voltmeter indicates 0.
(13) Reverse the test setup connections at
a. Remove the amplifier card from receptacle J69.
Install it in AMPLIFIER CARD TESTER receptacle J71.
(14) Adjust the test setup variable resistor until
b. Turn the FUNCTION switch to AMPL OUPT.
the dc voltmeter indicates 0.1 volt. The YAW AXIS
c. Set the 115V 400 ~ POWER switch to on (up)
meter should indicate a minimum of +1 volt. The vtvm
position. Allow 15 minutes for warmup.
should indicate a minimum of 1 volt.
d. Hold the CARD TEST SIGNAL switch at L. The
(15) Adjust the test setup variable resistor until
FUNCTION meter should indicate between -3 and -7.
the YAW AXIS meter indicates .5 in either direction.
e. Hold the CARD TEST SIGNAL switch at R. The
The vtvm should indicate between 0.45 and 0.55.
FUNCTION meter should indicate between +3 and +7.
(16) Adjust the test setup variable resistor until
f. Remove the amplifier card from receptacle J71.
the de voltmeter indicates 0.
Install it in receptacle J69.
(17) Set the 115V 400 ~ POWER switch of off
(down) position. Disconnect all the- test connections.
g. If any indication is not as specified, take
corrective action and repeat the applicable steps.
(18) If any indication is not as specified, take
corrective action and repeat the applicable steps.
7-11. External DEM/MOD CARD TESTER Circuit
(19) Operate the AXES METERS READ switch
a. Check for 98K to 102K ohms between pins 1
(20) Reinstall the amplifier card in receptacle
and 7 of receptacle J70.
b. Check for 2,040 to 3,060 ohms between pins 3
and 12.
7-9. Internal Amplifier Card Circuit Test
c. Check for 57,820 to 60,180 ohms between pins
a. Connect a jumper between DEM/MOD CARD
3 and 8.
TESTER receptacle pin 16 and AMPLIFIER CARD
d. Check for 0 ohms between pins 2, 4, 5, and 7;
TESTER receptacle pin 6.
between ground and pin 17. Check for 0 ohms between
b. Turn the FUNCTION switch to DEM OUPT.
ground and pin 9.
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