TM 11-6625-646-15
The test set is a portable unit and no special installation
3-1. Unpacking and Inspection
is required. Power requirements are 115 volts 400
cycles single-phase ac for the test circuits and 115 volts,
No special unpacking procedures are required to
60 cycles single-phase ac to operate the air pump. All
remove the test set from its shipping container. After
voltages are 5%. Prepare the test set for use as
unpacking, inspect the test set as follows:
a. Open the air pressure relief valve in the cover to
equalize inside and outside air pressures.
The SAS bench test set is a delicate
instrument and must be handled
b. Unlatch and remove the cover from the test set;
carefully to prevent damage which
release the turnlock fasteners and open the metal door
might render the set inoperative.
to remove the cable, hose, and bag assemblies from the
cover. In the -8 test set, remove the adapter from the
a. Open the air pressure relief valve in the cover to
c. If the test set is to be secured to the back panel
equalize inside and outside air pressure.
of a workbench, loosen the three knurled nuts inside the
cover and push the panel-mounting studs out of their
and check the accessories stowed in the cover for
retracted position; latch the cover to the bottom of the
missing items.
base of the test set and secure the test set to the panel.
c. Release the hinged latch assemblies on the
front panel and remove the operating instructions
3-3. Preparation for Storage
retainer assembly. Visually inspect the front panel for
No special preparations are required before storing the
damaged or loose components (table 5-1).
test set. Refer to table 1-1 to be certain that the test is
d. Remove the 14 screws and washers from the
complete before stowing the accessories in the cover,
front panel and remove the panel-chassis assembly
closing the cover, and storing the test set. The SAS
from the case; visually inspect the interior for damaged
bench test set does not require special storage facilities.
or loose components (table 5-1).
The unit should be stored in a clean, dry area.
e. If any damage is found, refer to the
troubleshooting procedures in section VI.
If no
3-4. Preparation for Shipment
discrepancies exist, replace the panel-chassis assembly
To prepare the test set for shipment, proceed as follows:
in the case and secure it with the screws and washers.
a. Remove the three cable assemblies from their
f. If the test set is not used immediately, replace
respective receptacles on the front panel of the test set.
the cover and close the air pressure relief valve.
Store the cable assemblies in the cover of the test set
case as shown in figure 1-1.
3-2. Preparation for Use
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