b. Cut. Cut all cables and, if time permits,
22. Authority for Demolition
internal wiring; use axes, handaxes, machetes,
The demolition procedures given in para-
or similar tools.
graph 23 will be used to prevent the enemy
Warning: Be extremely careful with explo-
f r o m using or s a l v a g i n g t h i s e q u i p m e n t . D e -
sives and incendiary devices. Use these items
m o l i t i o n of the equipment will be accompished
only when the need is urgent.
only upon order of the commander.
c. Burn. Burn the technical literature and
as much of the equipment as is flammable; use
23. Methods of Demolition
gasoline, kerosene, oil, flamethrowers, or incen-
Any or all of the methods of destruction given
diary grenades.
below may be used.
a. Smash. Smash the front panel of the re-
firearms, grenades, or TNT.
solver test set and that of the filter, the con-
nectors, and as many of the internal parts as
e. Dispose. Bury or scatter the destroyed
parts in slit trenches, foxholes, or other holes,
possibe; use sledges, axes, handaxes, pickaxes,
or throw them into streams.
hammers, crowbars, or other heavy tools.
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