![]() supplied to connect the resolver test set with
Altitude . . . . . . ... -1,000 ft to 55,000 ft
Weight . . . . . . . . . .. 3 lb.
the additional equipment (par. 7) necessary
to perform tests:
b. Filter, Low Pass F-769/ASM-101.
Input impedance . . . . . . . . . . 380,000 ohms.
(1) Two Cable Assemblies, Radio Fre-
Output impedance . . . . . . . . . 100,000 ohms.
quency CG409/U (signal generator
Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -6 decibels at 35 cps.
cable) are supplied for connecting the
Environmental operating limits:
signal generator (par. 7) to the re-
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . -30 to 55c. (-22 to
solver test set. Both ends of each ca-
131 F.).
Relative humidity . . . . . 0 to 95% at 32 C. (90
ble terminate in a male coaxial con-
nector, UG-88/U.
Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1,000 ft to 55,000 ft.
(2) Cable Assembly, Radio Frequency
Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb.
CG-2559/U (alternating current (at)
5. Components
voltmeter cable) is supplied to con-
nect the resolver test set to the ac volt-
Components of Test Set, Resolver AN/ASM-
meter (par. 7). One end of the cable
101 are listed in the basic issue items list (app.
terminates in a male coaxial plug, UG-
III). The components of Test Set, Resolver
88/U; the other end terminates in a
AN/ASM101 are illustrated in figure 1.
dual plug which mates with the IN-
PUT jack on the ac voltmeter (par.
6. Description of Test Set, Resolver AN/ASM-101
a. Test Set, Resolver TS1810/ASM101.
7. Additional Equipment Required
Test Set, Resolver TS-1810/ASM-101 (re-
The following equipment is not supplied as
solver test set ) may be rack mounted. The front
part of Test Set, Resolver AN/ASM101, but
panel is a standard 19-inch rack panel, on which
is required to enable the user to perform the
test cable connectors, potentiometers, and a
test and adjustment functions of the equip-
switch are mounted.
b. Filter, Low Pass F-769/ASM101. Filter,
a. Signal Generator. Modulator MD-83A/
Low Pass F-769/ASM101 (filter) contains
ARN (signal generator), or equivalent, is re-
two jacks mounted on the front panel. A cable,
quired to supply the 30-cycle-per-second (cps)
terminating in a plug, is fastened to the unit.
variable-phase (VAR ) and reference-phase
c. Test Cables. Two test cables are supplied
(REF. ) input signals needed by the resolver
to connect the resolver test set to the equip-
test set.
ment under test. Both test cables are furnished
b. Oscilloscope. Oscilloscope AN/USM81,
for use with components of Computer Set, Nav-
or equivalent, is required as a null point indi-
igational AN/ASN-33. Cable Assembly, Spe-
cator during testing.
cial Purpose, Electrical CX-8327/ASM-101
(indicator test cable) is used to connect the
c. Ac Voltmeter. Voltmeter, Electronic ME
resolver test set to the AN/ASN-33 course in-
30B/U, or equivalent, is required for setting
dicator; and Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
the input level during testing.
Electrical CX8376/ASM-101 (selector test
d. Coaxial Tee Connectors. The coaxial tee
cable ) is used to connect the resolver test set to
connectors are used to enable the operator to
the AN/ASN-33 course selector.
monitor the input signals to the resolver test
set during initial adjustment and ORZ proce-
ment other than the AN/ASN-33, a suitable test cable
dures, without having to disconnect the inter-
is required to connect the resolver test set to the equip-
connecting cables from the resolver test set.
ment under test. Refer to the technical manual cover-
ing the specific equipment under test for information
Two coaxial tee connectors, UG-274B/U (REF.
concerning the test cables.
tee and VAR tee), are required when per-
Interconnecting Cables. Three cables are
forming the calibration procedure (par. 12).
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