![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
b. Using the module extender board, extend
c. Pull the shaft of interlock switch S12 to the
3.975-/5.925-MHz oscillator circuit card HV4 above
override position.
the card cage.
d. S e t t h e P O W E R S E L E C T O R s w i t c h t o
c. Connect power to the equipment and set the
POWER switch to ON.
e . Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
d. Pull the shaft of interlock switch S12 to the
override position.
e. S e t t h e P O W E R S E L E C T O R s w i t c h t o
ial connector near transmit audio module plug-in,
f. Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
g. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and adjust
the AN/GRM-50 frequency control (approximately
5 0 0 kHz) for a peak reading on the TEST METER.
the 3 MC jack on the front panel of the test set and
adjust the LOW FREQ AMPL control for 29 milli-
Obtain a convenient on-scale TEST
volts on the AN/URM-145.
METER reading by adjusting the 500 KC
h. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and adjust
FILTER control on the front panel of the
R9 on the circuit card for a reading of 100 percent on
test set.
i. Remove the module extender board, and re-
h. Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
place the 3.975-/5.925-MHz oscillator card in the
card cage.
i. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and set the
500 KC FILTER control for a reading of 47 percent
3-27. 5.925 MHz Oscillator Detector Output
on the TEST METER reading.
Amplitude Adjustment
j. Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
Perform the following procedures to adjust the
k. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and adjust
5.925-MHz oscillator detector output amplitude:
a. Remove the test set from the case.
trimmer capacitors C9 and C10 on the load/500-kHz
b. Using the module extender card, extend
filter circuit card HV7 for a peak reading on the
3.975-/5.925-MHz oscillator circuit card HV4 above
l. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and adjust
the card cage.
c. Connect power to the equipment and set the
R32 (use access hole in the front panel, figure 3-2)
for a reading of 80 percent on the TEST METER.
POWER switch to ON.
d. Pull the shaft of interlock switch S12 to the
override position.
3-29. 500-kHz Discriminator Adjustment
e. S e t t h e P O W E R S E L E C T O R s w i t c h t o
T h e procedure f o r adjusting the discriminator
f. Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
center frequency is presented in a below. The pro-
g. Connect the AN/URM-145 to the 5 MC jack on
cedure for adjusting the discriminator output level
the front panel of the test set and adjust the LOW
is presented in b below. Perform the two procedures
FREQ AMPL control for 29 millivolts on the AN/
in sequence. Before performing the procedures, in-
sure that the 500-kHz fm oscillator frequency is ad-
h. Push the PRESS TO TEST button and adjust
justed properly (para 3-24):
a. Distriminator Center Frequency Adjustment.
R20 on the circuit card for a reading of 100 percent
on the TEST METER.
(1) Remove the test set from the case.
i. Remove the module extender board and re-
(2) Using the module extender board, extend
place the 3.975-5.925-MHz oscillator circuit in the
the audio amplifier/detector circuit card HU7 above
card cage.
the card cage.
(3) Connect the equipment as shown in figure
3-29. (Do not connect wires shown by dashed lines.)
3-28. 500-kHz Bandpass Filter Adjustment
(4) Connect power to the equipment and set
the POWER switch to ON.
Perform the following procedures to adjust the 500-
kHz bandpass filter:
( 5 ) Set the POWER SELECTOR switch to
a. Remove the test set from the case.
( 6 ) Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches to
b. Connect power to the equipment and set the
POWER switch to ON.
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