![]() TM
3-15. Removal and Replacement of Heat
jacks) that secure the capacitor mounting bracket to
Sinks in Blower Assembly
the front panel.
( 2 ) Remove the three screws from the rear
p a n e l that correspond in position to the screws
Perform the following procedures when removing
removed in (1) above.
or replacing the heat sinks in the blower assembly:
(3) Swing the capacitor mounting bracket
a. Removal.
OUT, making the capacitors and plastic retainers
(1) Remove the four machine screws (19) and
four lockwashers (11) that secure the filter retainer
(4) Loosen (do not remove) the two screws in
(1) to the front panel (3).
the plastic retainer that hold the capacitor being
(2) Unsolder the leads from the emitter, base,
and collector of the transistor (4).
(5) Disconnect and identify the wires from the
(3) Remove the three machine screws (13),
capacitor screw terminals.
lockwashers (11), flat washers (12), and the in-
(6) Remove the capacitor.
sulated flanged spacers (8).
b. Replacement.
(1) Place the capacitor into the plastic retainer
Three of the insulated flanged spacers (8)
and orient so that the positive terminal (red dot) is
are located between the heat sink and the
toward the bottom.
b l o w e r assembly and must be removed
(2) Tighten the two screws in the plastic re-
from inside the blower assembly.
tainer to secure the capacitor.
(4) Remove the heat sink (5) from the inside of
(3) Replace the wires on the capacitor screw
the blower assembly (10).
b. Replacement.
(4) Swing the capacitor mounting bracket back
(1) Place three insulated flanged spacers (8) in-
to the original position.
to the holes from the inside of the blower assembly
( 5 ) Replace the six screws that secure the
capacitor mounting bracket in the front and rear
(2) Place the heat sink over the spacers and
align the holes.
(3) Place a lockwasher (11), flat washer (12),
and insulated flanged spacer (8) on a machine screw
3-14. Removal and Replacement of Blower
(13) and start the screw into the threaded hole in the
heat sink (5).
(4) Repeat the procedure in (3) above for the
remaining two screws.
The blower motor is mounted on the rear of the
(5) Insure that the recessed portion of the in-
blower assembly. Perform the following procedures
sulated flanged spacers (8) are seated in the blower
when removing and replacing the blower motor.
assembly holes. Tighten the three machine screws
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect and identify the wires on the
(6) Solder the wires to the emitter, base, and
blower motor terminal strip.
collector terminals of the transistor (4).
(2) Loosen (do not remove) the three synchro
3-16. Removal and Replacement of Circuit
clamp (15) screws that secure the blower motor.
Card Connectors
(3) Turn the synchro clamps (15) so that the
flat edge faces the blower motor.
(4) Remove the blower motor (14) from the
Perform the following procedures when removing
rear; be careful not to damage parts or wiring.
or replacing circuit card connectors:
a. Removal.
b. Replacement.
(1) Remove the circuit cards from the card
(1) Fit the recessed end of the blower motor
(14) into the blower well assembly.
(2) Set the test set on the bench with the card
(2) Twist the synchro clamps (15) so that the
cage facing down.
flat side is away from the blower motor (14) and the
(3) Unsolder and identify the wires going to
round side is in the blower motor groove.
the receptacle connector (4) that is to be removed.
(3) Tighten the synchro clamp (15) screws.
(4) Remove the 15 machine screws (12) and the
(4) Replace the wires on the blower motor ter-
15 lockwashers (13) from the connector plate (3).
minal strip.
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