![]() TM
a. -27.5-Volt Metering Circuit. Resistor A8R10 is
despike rectifier output to the positive side of the
the series meter multiplier resistor. When POWER
T E S T METER and ground to the negative side.
SELECTOR switch S1 is in the -27.5V position, re-
R e s i s t o r A7R12 is adjusted so that a 40-volt pulse
sistor A8R10 connects the 27.5-volt power supply
output from the power supply (including the dc level
through contacts 13 and 12 of S1C FRONT TO TERMINAL
above ground) produces an 80 percent TEST
METER reading.
S w i t c h S1C rear grounds S10-1.Pushing S10 con
nects -27.5 volts to the negative side of the TEST
(fig, FO-31
METER and ground to the positive side. The TEST
a. General. The CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches
METER indicates 65 percent with -27.5 volts ap-
on the test set perform the switching necessary for
plied to meter multiplier resistor A8R10.
t e s t i n g the AN/ARC-54 modules. Figure FO-3 con-
b. +25.5Volt Metering Circuit. T h e + 2 7 . 5 v o l t
sists of a simplified schematic diagram showing the
metering circuit is similar to the -27.5 volt circuit
four CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches, the AN/ARC-
d i s c u s s e d in a above. Resistor A6R2 is the meter
54 module connectors, and the functional test set
multiplier resistor. When POWER SELECTOR
c i r c u i t s . Tables 2-1 through 2-8 of this manual
switch S1 is in the NORMAL or EXTTERNAL posi-
describe the function of each CIRCUIT SELECTOR
supply output through contacts 2 or 5 and 18 of S1C
switch wafer for the program settings in the
o p e r a t i n g procedures and the operator's PMCS
V O L T A G E switch S10. Switch S1C front grounds
c h a r t in TM 11-6625-467-12. Figure FO-3 sup-
S10-4. pUSHING S10 connects +27.5 volts to the posi-
p l e m e n t s this information with switch contact
t i v e side of the TEST METER and ground to the
numbers and circuit card terminal numbers which
negative side.The TEST METER indicates 65 per-
are very helpful in troubleshooting the test set.
cent with +27.5 volts applied to multiplier A6R2
c. +500 Volts Metering Circuit. Because both the
show point-to-point wiring of the test set. The
+ 5 0 0 and +250 volt outputs are derived from the
diagram shows the logical routing of test set signals
same power supply, only the +500 volts is the metered
and gives functional names to each signal path. The
Resistor A7R13 and A7R15 comprise a voltage
front panel controls and other components asso-
divider across the +500 volts supply. The voltage at
ciated with the functional circuits but not located on
the junction of these two resistors is reduced to ap-
the circuit cards are shown on the extreme right
p r o x i m a t e l y 85 volts. When POWER SELECTOR
hand side of figure FO-3.
switch S1 is in the HIGH VOLTAGE position, re-
c. Using C I R C U I T SELECTOR Switch Sche-
s i s t o r A7R14 (meter multiplier resistor) connects
matic Diagram. The diagram can be used as an aid in
the 85 volts through contacts 3 and 18 of S1C rear to
troubleshooting the test set (para 3-6 and 3-7) or to
analyze the circuit operation.
switch S10. Switch S1C front grounds S10-4. Push-
(1) If the 30-megahertz oscillator circuit is to
ing S10 connects the divider circuit to the positive
be turned on and the output level set to some speci-
side of the TEST METER and ground to the nega-
t i v e side. The TEST METER indicates 65 percent
fied reading on the TEST METER, refer to figure
with 500 volts applied to the voltage divider.
trol connects to pin B of XA1l through two switch
d. Despike Metering Circuit. The despike meter-
sections, S3E-1 and S5D-8. The lower section of fig-
ing circuit measures the output of the +27.5 volt
ure FO-4 shows the 30 MC OSC LEVEL CONT
power supply when the test set is operating in the
OUTPUT connected to S3E-1 and S5D-8. This con-
despike mode. Diode A7CR6 rectifies the pulse out
dition indicates that when S3 (CIRCUIT SELEC-
put of the +27.5 volt power supply. Capacitor A7C4
TOR A) is in position 0 (the CIRCUIT SELECTOR
filters therectified output. The voltage at the junc-
tion if A7C4 and diode A7CR6 is a dc voltage ap-
position will always be one number less than the
switch contact number), the HIGH FREQ AMPL
proximately equual to the peak voltage of the pulse
output of the power supply. Resistor A7R12 is the meter
control output (R2-2) connects to the 30-megahertz
series with adjustable resistor A7R12 is the meter
oscillator through S3D and S3E. A second path
m u l t i p l i e r resistor. When POWER SELECTOR
exists through switch S5 (CIRCUIT SELECTOR C)
switch S1 is the DESPIKE position, the two re-
when S5 is in position 7. Now refer to HIGH FREQ
sistor connect the despike rectifier output
AMPL control R2 (figure FO-3, extreme right hand
contacts 4 and 18 of S1C rear to terminal 1 of PRESS
side); the movable arm is shown to connect to the
TO MONITOR VOLTAGE switch S10. Switch S1C
two places discussed above, S3D-1 and S5C-7, 8.
f r o n t grounds S10-4. Pushing S10 connects the
(The connection to S5C7 is used for another function
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