![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
is discussed in paragraphs 2-3 through 2-18 in terms
power supply has a current rating of 8 amperes.
of other circuits that are used and in terms of the
This voltage is accessible at the. EXTERNAL termi-
CIRCUIT SELECTOR switches responsible for pro-
nals on the test set and can be used to furnish power
g r a m i n g the desired circuit into the test routine.
for a complete Radio Set AN/ARC-54.
d. Frequency Measuring Circuits. The test set
contains circuits for measuring and adjusting the
each CIRCUIT SELECTOR program specified in
150 Hz and 500 kHz oscillators in the AN/ARC-54.
the operating procedures and self-tests of TM 11-
Both circuits consist of selective amplifiers that are
6625-467-12. `These tables should prove helpful not
tuned to the frequency to be measured. A sample of
only in understanding how the test set operates but
the oscillator output is applied to the selective am-
also in troubleshooting the test set.
plifier, and the selective amplifier output connects
to the ac voltmeter circuit. The oscillator is then
Signal Paths
tuned for a maximum reading on the TEST METER.
The 500 kHz selective amplifier has, in addition to a
crystal filter, a bandpass filter. With a calibrated
T h e AN/ARC-54 tuning system is composed of
signal level input, the circuit will yield a known out-
three five-wire re-entrant systems, one for .05
put level for all frequencies within the bandpass of
megahertz tuning and two for whole-megahertz
the filter. When used in this mode, the circuit acts
tuning. Switches S7, S8, and S9 in the test set gen-
as a go-no-go tester.
e r a t e codes that tune the AN/ARC-54 RF sub-
e. Diode Switch Circuits. The diode switch cir-
chassis to any desired frequency in the range of
cuits are used to test the homer module. The diode
30.00 to 69.95 megahertz in steps of .05 megahertz.
switches are driven by the 100 Hz oscillator in the
Switches S7 and S8 select the whole megahertz
homer module. By application of gating signals to
frequency and switch S9 selects the .05 megahertz
the switch circuits, both homer left and homer right
increments. Switch S9 generates a different ground
signals are simulated.
sequence on the .05 megahertz select lines for each
f. Loads. The test set provides loads for the AN/
of 20 switch positions. (See table 2-9 for the ground-
ARC-54 power supply and power amplifier modules.
ing sequence. ) Switch S8 generates two separate
Loads are necessary for testing the modules under
coded sequences to select whole megahertz fre-
simulated operating conditions.
quencies in the range of 30 to 69 megahertz. (See
g. Terminating Impedances and Bias Voltages.
The AN/ARC-54 modules are tested individually on
the 30 megahertz range is identical with the coding
the test set. The input and output impedances that
for the 50 megahertz range; also the code for the 40
the module normally connects to during operation
and 60 megahertz ranges are the same. Switch sec-
are simulated by resistors, and capacitors in the test
tions S8B and S8D generate the code for the 40 and
set. Bias voltages, including age (automatic gain
60 megahertz ranges. Switch S7 selects one of the
control), are also provided.
two codes and generates an ambiguity code that
distinguishes the 30 megahertz code from the 50
2-2. Signal Paths
megahertz code or the 40 megahertz code from the
60 megahertz code. Switch S8E generates a coded
The test set consists of many different individual
ground to distinguish the odd and even megahertz
circuits such as oscillators, amplifiers, detectors,
a n d discriminators; e a c h p e r f o r m s a distinct
function. Some of the circuits produce test signals
2-4. Voltmeter Signal Paths
for application to an AN/ARC-54 module; others
are connected as ac or dc voltmeters for measuring
Oscillator output levels, module output levels, and
module output voltages. Because all functional cir-
various other ac and dc voltages are measured by
cuits in the test set are not used at one time, and
the voltmeter in the test set. Figure 2-2 illustrates
many are used to perform tests on more than one
how ac voltages (150 Hz to 500 kHz), radio fre-
module, the test set provides a means to program
quency voltages (3 to 70 MHz), and dc voltages are
the functional circuits. The programing is accom-
measured. The types of voltage measurement are
plished by four 10-position rotary switches marked
discussed below.
a. Ac Voltage Measurements. Ac voltages in the
and outputs of both the module circuits and the
test set within the frequency range of 150 Hz to
functional circuits connect to the CIRCUIT SELEC-
500 kHz are measured as shown in A, figure 2-2.
TOR switches. The switches perform like a switch-
The ac voltages to be measured connect to CIRCUIT
b o a r d , connecting the test circuits to various
SELECTOR switches B and C which select the de-
module circuits for testing. Each functional circuit
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