![]() TM 11-6625-409-12
MX-3736/ARM -45. Remove cables No. 1 through No.
operating the METER SELECTOR switch to ANT. The
5 from the storage compartment. Raise the covers on
indication should be between .4 and .6 on the meter
the test cable receptacles (fig. 2-4).
scale for normal output of transmitter.
b. Operate the DUMMY LOAD-ANT OR EXT.
LOAD switch (fig. 2-3) to DUMMY LOAD.
The dummy load provided with the MX-
c. Operate the 27.5 VDC-DC ADJUST switch to
3736/ARM-45 should not be used during critical
27.5 VDC. Operate the EXT POWER-SHIP POWER
test adjustments.
switch to EXT POWER.
d. Operate all other switches to a downward
n. The rf power output of the 17L-7A under test
may be more accurately measured by connecting cable
No. 4 between a wattmeter and EXT LOAD OR ANT
test cable receptacles (fig. 2-4) connect one end of
receptacle J-1()9. DUMMY LOAD-ANT OR EXT. LOAD
cable No. 1 to XMTR PLUG TOP receptacle J-101-7A;
switch must be operated to ANT OR EXT. LOAI) when
connect one end of cable No. 1A to XMTR PLUG
this connection is made.
o. The 17L-7A under test may be' modulated by an
BOTTOM receptacle J-102-7A.
f. At the rear of the 17L-7A, connect the other end
external 1,000-cps test tone by connecting a signal
of cable No. 1 to the top receptacle; connect the other
generator to the 1,000 CYCLE S pin jacks The MIKE-
end of cable No. 1A to the bottom receptacle.
TONE switch must be 4operated to TONE when this
g. At the MX-3766/ARM-45, connect one end of
connection is made;.
p. To measure the 1,000-cps signal input, operate
cable No. 2 to EQUIP TEST VHF RCVR 51X-2B
receptacle J-105-2B. Connect the other end of cable No.
the METER SELECTOR switch to 0-1V. (The test set
2 to the receptacle on the rear of the 51X-2B.
meter will be deflected full scale by a 1-volt signal into
h. Connect the connector end of cable No. 3 of AC
the transmitter.)
q. The receiver output may be monitored through
DC POWER receptacle J-107. Connect the red and
black clip leads on the other end of the cable to the
the headset by operating the RCVR AUDIO-RCVR &
positive and negative terminals, respectively, of an
r. Transmitter sidetone may be monitored through
external 27.5-volt dc power source. Observe proper
the headset by operating the RCVR AUDIO-RCVR &
s. To measure receiver sensitivity, disconnect
If the transmitter or receiver under test is
cable No. 5 and connect a signal generator to the RF
equipped with ac power supplies, 115-volt, 400-
INPUT RCVR ANT OR SIG. GENT. connector on the
cps ac power is required in addition to the 27.5-
front panel of the MX-3736/'ARM-45.
volt dc power source. Connect the yellow clip
t. To test the transmitter and receiver under
lead on cable No. 3 to the terminal on the 115-
reduced primary voltage conditions, operate the 27.5
volt, 400-cps ac power source and operate the
VDC-DC ADJUST switch to DC ADJUST, operate the
115 VOLTS 400 CPS switch to ON.
i. Connect cable No. Between the RF INPUT
METER selector switch to 50 V DC X 50, and turn the
ADJUST DC VOLTS control until the desired voltage is
connector and the RF OUTPUT connector on the front
indicated on the meter.
panel of the MX-3736/ARM-45 (fig. 2-3).
j. Plug a microphone into the MIKE jack (Fig. 2-3)
and a headset into the PHONE jack.
The 27.5 VDC-DC ADJUST switch is operated
k. Operate the 27.5 VOLTS DC switch to ON. The
to the DC ADJUST position only when testing
STANDBY lamp should light.
equipment under reduced primary voltage
l. To key the 17L-7A under test, press the push-to-
talk switch on the microphone. If continuous keying is
desired, operate the STANDBY-XMIT switch to XMIT.
When performing the frequency selection
The XMIT lamp should light and the STANDBY lamp
tests in u and v below for the components
should be extinguished whenever the 17L-7A is keyed.
of the AN/ ARC-73A., remove Radio Set
m. The rf output of the 17L-7A may be observed by
Control 614U-6 from the MX-3736/ ARM45
Control 614U-5.
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